Sunday, December 31, 2023

2024 - What to do?


My two favorite pairs of readers are no more.  One (clear frames) was lost and one (black frames) was broken.  This not a real tragedy, but a disappointment.  Too. many self portraits, I know.  With all the grey weather, there is not much to look at that is interesting.  Found this batch of glasses on Amazon and my vision seems to be settled on a 2.75 magnification.  

Katey came over for a visit last night and we watched "The Best of Enemies",  a true story of a KKK president and a civil rights activist in NC and the way they found a way to integrate the schools in Durham NC.  This is another real story that is worth learning about.  

The new year is upon us.  Many will vow to lose weight, get more exercise or eat healthier.  Most will fail by the time February arrives.  We are who we are.  Self improvement is great at least in degrees.  Trying to be a brand new person at this point seems a little silly.  

There are things that are attainable however.  I could read more books.  I could spend less time wasting on the phone doom scrolling and playing games.  Actually could walk more, not marathon distances but more, each day.  Reconnecting with friends and contemporaries is also key.  It's easy to say that you are too busy or they wouldn't want to anyway.  This is not true.  People like to be called, visited, lunched with.  

This has been such a shitty month, wrought with illness from family members.   I will be scolded by my primary care doc when I see her at the end of January.  Had too many parties and other opportunities to eat the wrong stuff.  A1C will again probably be lousy.  

So, books, connections, and steps are my resolves.  
Thats it!
Happy 2024 to all
stay safe

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