Sunday, June 26, 2022

A day of serenity at Belle Isle


Our friend Jayne lost her mother in November of last year.  It was decided to have a gathering of family and friends at Belle Isle.  It was on beautiful yesterday.  For those that might not be familiar with this location, it is an island on the Detroit River on the east side.  Its a lovely place with walking paths, a place to kayak and numerous historic building. 
One of which is the Belle Isle Aquarium which is the oldest public facility of its kind in America.  There is also a massive conservatory filled with all manner of plantings many of which are the tropical varieties shown in these photos. 

It was a very sweet celebration of her life with generations of family and friends speaking in the fondest terms.  I knew Ruth a little from family gatherings and as a fellow resident.  She was always cheery and moving, constantly moving.  My friend Bill was with her walking group that went everywhere to stride along and take in the sights.  When my time comes, I want to be barbecued, put into a jar or maybe be planted as a tree.  I want no service with some guy I don't know reading from a book.
Then after a time,  a gathering some place in the open where people get together and commiserate telling funny stories, eating and relaxing with kids running around making noise and lots of smiles.

The top photo is Jayne and Judy, two warrior mothers and grandmothers.  They don't look alike but think alike in more ways than I can count and have a closeness that cannot be measured.   All and all, a really nice day.
all for now
stay safe

Saturday, June 25, 2022

But Hey, they're the Supremes

There is little that can be said to come close to revealing the impact of yesterday's decision.  I'm a guy and cannot know the sadness, anger and frustration felt by women since about 10am yesterday.  

The former president delivered America three conservative judges and you knew this would be the ultimate outcome.  He now has all the platform he needs to win the presidency again.  All  three of his nominees stated publicly under oath at their confirmation hearings that a women's right to choose was "stated law" and would not be challenged.  Simply put, they lied.  The highest court in the land in my opinion is a Christian Theocracy and will act accordingly. If you think this is the way to go, please drop me from your friends list, lose my phone number and my email address. 

 We really know this day was coming but its impact is overwhelming.  Under this law our daughters, grand daughters, sisters and spouses no longer own their bodies from the absolute moment of conception.  Think of that for a moment.  

that's it.

Friday, June 24, 2022

Nature center visit

Visited the Troy Nature Center yesterday afternoon.  It was quiet there with few visitors at that time.  I really enjoy taking photos of the plant life there.  There is some manner of the Rouge River that runs through the center.  This is a glimpse of it from the trail.  As a natural born stumbler, I have to remember to pick up my feet preparing for the tree roots that are everywhere.  It is a rather hilly terrain with some climbing required.  It was truly a lovely day with modest temperatures and lots of sunshine.  

Went to Renshaws for some day drinking afterward on their covered outdoor seating.  Two beers and a bowl of popcorn for under ten bucks is a pretty good deal.  Again cool and comfortable

To top off the day we walked to the ice cream joint across the street and had a couple of scoops.  It was all quite pleasant.

Today's omelette turned out good.  Eggs, provolone cheese and ham, cooked in garlic flavored oil.  It really hit the spot.  The cast iron pan was my best kitchen purchase period.  

Watched some of the January 6th hearings yesterday afternoon.  Was impressed with the leadership of the Department of Justice when they stood up to the tyrant former president.  If Rosen was removed and the yes man was installed as the boss, they would all quit and walk out to a man.  They wouldn't throw out the results of the election and install a puppet.  The political careers of Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger realistically are over.  They will be drummed out of the Republican Party as traitors to the cause.  His loyalists will see to that.  And as much as it pains me to say it, there will be no consequences for the former president.

Back to PF this morning and on to my buddy Apollo.  Will watch the end of the Anthony Bourdain documentary.  Going to be another hot one today so keep cool.

all for now
stay safe


Thursday, June 23, 2022


I encountered a woman in one of the elevators in our building.  She politely asked "how are you?" Fine I replied and I asked the same to complete the greeting.  She said "blessed".  I pondered this for some time and continue to do so.  There are lots of replies one could offer, like OK or hot, or miserable, or just plain happy.  Continuing to ponder, was she blessed in her life or blessed in anticipation of what was to come after her demise?  She was a rather large lady that seemed to have trouble walking so she must have some age related issues.  She was a black lady that was probably treated like crap through her life by people that looked like me.  May or not be true but that is what I surmised. 

Being a non religious person myself, I would never offer this as a reply.  It showed a sign of faith that I do not possess.  Oh well, that's just me at this segment of life's journey.

Anthony Bourdain was at the very least, an interesting character as seen in his many TV shows. He was a cook, a chef, a heroin addict, an experiencer of life and above all, a traveler.  Many of us would like to have this vagabond life even in its idealized image.  He was a troubled man seeking happiness with a slight measure of success at finding it.  Watched Roadrunner a documentary about him featuring small vignettes from his close friends,  colleagues and wives about him and his emotional and spiritual travels.  He lived a vagabond life many of would choose given the opportunity.  But the dark side of this quest is that he was many times unhappy to the pit of his soul.  All that "devil make care" attitude did an adequate job of hiding that fact.  See this if you like subtle poignancy.  Its worth a watch.

Back to the gym today after some days off due to childcare restraints.  Looking forward to moving a bit.

Judy's balcony garden is flourishing.  The coleus love this setting

all for now

stay safe

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Play Ball!

So I am at Andrew's watching his kids today and was able to connect to his network.  This is a photo/rendering of Katey and me at the ball game on Fathers Day.  Other than her getting beer dumped on her and getting clunked on the head by the can, it was a splendid outing.  The Tigers defeated theTexas Rangers, their second win in a row.  It was hot but not steamy and the sun was blazing.  

The new network at Andrew's is faster than at my apartment, which is good for the purpose of internet activity.  Simon and I are the only ones moving  thus far. He is  looking expectant as usual.  It will probably be a quiet day for all of us.  Will watch the continuation of the hearings at 1pm, but no more reporting on it. 

Sunday was my sister's birthday as well as Juneteenth.  We did not know about this commemoration till a few years ago.  Only this year did I learn of the event, its timing and its ramifications.  It's a short coming of our education that we did not learn about this or the 1921 burning of Black Wall Street in Tulsa OK amongst other events in America past. But, no more bitching today!

Tomato, pepper and cucumber plants are all doing well in our little garden.  Too early for any fruit, only lovely plants.  I walk out there most days and check on my children to see their well hydrated.  It's a real exciting life.  

Brought stuff to make dinner for the kids today.  They like the Trader Joes Orange Chicken and some noodles on the side.  Alas at this point, they are still snoozing away at 8:15.  

The sun is blazing in the easterly window, making it hard to gain focus on the screen.  But still, its working.

Watching The Old Man on Hulu the last couple of days.  Its is a well done intriguing series starring Jeff Bridges and John Lithgow, both favorites of mine.  The hero's and their opponents are old and craggy, like me,  a few steps slower but still mentally and somewhat physically formidable. If you have this service, and you are not 19 years old.  check this one out.

Caring for pre teens is a lot different from little kids.  They arose at 10am. Today's version of this age group are huddled with their phones watching videos and chatting with their friends.  The only time you get interaction is when they want to eat.  Today I made pancakes from scratch and they were a success.  Dad has a lot of ingredients for cooking so there was no problem with a recipe from my phone.  It took longer to clean up the mess than it did to cook. And now, they are back in their rooms to emerge at dinner time.

I watched the January 6th hearings day 4 this afternoon.  Was most touched by the testimony of two Georgia election workers, a mother and daughter.  They were publicly accused by Guiliani of fraud and other crimes.  These are simple ladies, just doing their job,  then and now both damaged.  That grabbed me.

Thats it.

all for now

stay safe


Sunday, June 19, 2022


Watched day 3 of the January 6th Hearings.  Was impressed with the chairman and with Liz Cheney.  With all that has been revealed, there is little doubt  as to the former president's involvement and  his subsequent inaction to quell the violence.  Pence was in real danger of losing his life and showed great bravery by completing his duty to certify the election of Joe Biden to be the president of the United States.  I profoundly disagree with him on most matters both public and private.  But on this occasion, he prevented the republic from falling into chaos.  Since that time, he has retreated back to his Christian comfort zone.  Were he a more level headed and open minded individual,  he might make a good president, even though I couldn't vote for him and his espousing of Republican values.

There is no denying what occurred on that day.  There is hours of footage showing the mob attacking the Capitol police and breaking barriers and then into the buildings.  They stormed the halls and the floor of the House of Representatives.  Trump signs, banners, hats, shirts were very present and on camera.  When the attack started the former president's staff, colleagues, fellow Republicans, and family begged for him to step in and quell the violence that was occurring.  They told him he lost the election, repeatedly.  He had a team of individuals with a detailed plan to steal the republic from the citizen voters.  

Pence never had the power to hand him the election constitutionally.  Still he persisted calling his Vice President weak and a p.....y.  Officers died in this insurrection.  We saw the noose and heard the "hang Mike Pence" shouts. 

The format of the committee included two members of his own party.  All listened to the testimony delivered.  There was no challenging of the comments.  Unlike Watergate where everything was done behind closed doors, this was all seen by an astonished public that couldn't believe what was happening.  His loyalists are calling the hearings political theater.  It is not theater only a presentation of facts.  Even today the former president claims that he actually won and the election was stolen.  I am as outraged today as I was on January 7th.  I fear for our republic and the futures of my children and their children.  

The saddest thing is that the former president will face no consequences nor legal ramifications.  He will be out there with his blue suits and red ties campaigning  for himself and others.  His supporters will be cheering him on, treating him like he is some sort of deity.  He as become a religion for many.  All of his many sins of morality and criminality have been cast off.  The most frightening truth is that he could win. 

Been pondering this for awhile.  As always, my opinion only.

Happy Fathers day to all the dads I know both with us and passed away

all for now 

enjoy another beautiful day

stay safe

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Morning rain and the end of the school year

Raining today.  We need it after the scorching day yesterday.  Kids were in a remarkably good mood today, probably because this is really the last day of school.  Tomorrow will be awards ceremonies and a clap out parade for the fifth graders moving on to middle school.  I don't remember any celebrations for us back in the sixties.  Eli remarked today that his middle school will be getting smart boards .  What's that the old guy asked.  He says they are kind of like a white board that you can do more stuff on like YouTube videos, show movies or play games.  Thats a far cry from the dusty chalkboards of my school days.  There was a designated student that took the erasers outside and clapped them together to remove all the accumulated dust.  There were others that had a sponge and a pail to wipe off and clean the boards.  There was always a chalky and slightly sour smell that went along with the job.

It's the next day.  There are kid things planned with the end of the school year  and we are meeting up with friends we haven't seen since the pandemic commenced for dinner.  Really looking forward to this event.  Summer is officially starting.  Need to think up things for them to do during our weeks of watching. All of my barbershop pals are disappointed that my scar is not too prominent.  They all had scenarios painted out that I was in a knife fight and the only the tip of the ten inch blade got me.  But alas, it is not the case.

Stranger Things  is as scary as before with more monstrous villains.  All the kids have grown as actors and are now teenagers in the 1980's.  Robert Eglund (Freddie Krueger) plays the role of a tormented soul really well and is not recognizable. Catch it on Netflix if you can.

And it's the next day again.  There was a wonderful celebration at Oak Ridge Elementary yesterday for the fifth graders heading to middle school.  This place is a nurturing learning environment for the students.  I too am graduating this year, actually my second graduation from this school, first as a parent and second as a grandparent.  For this go round, I got to know some of the educators and became quite fond of them.  Mrs. Lois Mann was the kindergarten teacher for Katey and Jon and then for Elijah and Marie.  She is one year younger than me and still going strong and is the absolute treasure of the school.  Jason Parrot the principal gave his business card to each student moving on encouraging them to contact him for any purpose even to tell him they were doing ok.  I thought this quite remarkable.    We went to lunch with Carla and her mom and the kids to Renshaw's  in Clawson and had a splendid time. Shown today is Marie with the two grandmas.

I want to write about the January 5th Hearings but I am still processing my thoughts and opinions.  Cannot come up with the correct words to express myself on this topic yet.

That's it 
all for now
stay safe and enjoy this lovely day


Wednesday, June 15, 2022



So Royal Oak has a Junior Olympics that. includes all 6 elementary schools and their best 38 athletes.  My sweet Marie is on the Tug of War girls team that defeated all the schools to take home the gold medal.  

She was in the anchor position and they cleaned up.  Marie won the best of school award as well, a very proud Poppy am I.

Going to be very warm today, the warmest to date.  I am glad these events were yesterday for the sake of the kids.  Not much going on for me today other than dog duty for Apollo.  Have to start questioning my travels now with the extreme price of gas.  Gone from 30 dollars a week to about 60.

Roses are in bloom at the Penitentiary.  I have fine tomato plants but with all the shade from the overhead trees, will I get any fruit.  Asked for trees to be cut back but to no avail.  They won't let me do the trimming citing liability.  Really do enjoy taking impromptu photos with the IPhone camera.  All this is now taken for granted.  No more lugging around

equipment or film processing with all its waiting.  I take the picture with my phone, it jumps from the Cloud to my computer and I can put it into a publication.  

On a different topic, with all the fanfare for the January 6th hearings and all the evidence presented from all kinds of sources,  I do not believe there will be any consequences for the former president.  He will get off scot free and may have a good shot at the presidency in the next go round.  Rudy will take a financial hit as well as some other members of his team.  At some juncture, one asks what is the point of these hearings if there are no consequences?   

Gas prices have risen to historic levels,   pundits point out the oil companies are making crazy profits.  We are supposed to be shocked.  The simple answer is because we can.  Thats the system and the national minimum wage is still $7.25.

Thats all my bitching for today.  

Please stay out of the heat today if you can

all for now

Monday, June 13, 2022

Sunday, Sunday

This is my favorite kind of lighting, dappled coming thru the trees and other foliage.  These are ground covering plants at the nature center in Madison Heights. 

It's Monday now sun is shining and I am ready to go back to planet fitness after my stitches were removed.  Finally I am able to go bandage free looking somewhat normal.  Been thinking about smells that I like.  One is peaches ripening on the shelf their odor wafting thru the air.  At the opposite end of the spectrum, I enjoy the smell of sautéing onions and peppers on the stove.  it reminds me of the Italian cooks in Jersey.

Watched a surprisingly good film in Hustle staring Adam Sandler, Queen Latifah and Juancho Hernangomez  in a basketball redemption tale.  It is on Netflix and you will be surprised at how entertaining a show it is.  Sandler's previous dramatic roles have been underwelming at best, but he really brings this one home.  They're more real basketball stars in it as well.  All of which are having a great time.

I have found myself favoring female ballad singers of late.  Diana Krall is a prime example.  She doesn't have a large vocal range but along with piano skills she makes music that I can connect to.  Current big like is  Renee Olstead.  Try her Pandora station.  

Finished up at Planet Fitness today, and it dd not go too bad.  Lightened up on some of the weights but increased the reps.  

that's it
all for now
enjoy this beautiful day

Saturday, June 11, 2022

First trip back to Kensington

So we took our inaugural trip back to Kensington Nature Trail yesterday.  After an lengthy construction trip west on I-96 we arrived to beautiful day,  albeit a little buggy with the humidity.  Saw a lot of the usual.  The Sand Hill cranes had a baby still with juvenile feathers and mom feeding her mouth to mouth.  Was able to get pretty close for this shot.  We set down out bird seed and she was going for the container on the bench.  

We also had a momma raccoon and her offspring in close proximity happy to be fed the sunflower seeds in our mix.  They followed us on the trail as we dropped piles of seeds.  Aside from a friend that had one of these creatures living in his garbage can, never seen one this close.  She was about 2 feet away looking directly at me for more eats.

Judy had her usual success with woodpeckers eating from her hand.  There were lots of "chippies" all looking for food.  It was a shorter trip than usual but a fun one.

In 1968, about 54 years ago to the day, me and two friends went on a driving trip to Washington DC and to Ft. Lauderdale FL.  It was a real coming of age journey for me.  Al and Tom were a year older than I and my parents trusted them to take care of me.  They were and still are responsible men.  To synopsize, we went to Washington,  got rained out, drove to FL trying to dry out wet clothes flapping in the breeze. The vehicle was a 1967 Dodge Dart, dark green with baby moon hub caps. Al was always a saver and paid cash (20 hundred dollar bills) for the car..


After arriving, we stayed for $7.00 a night at the Jamaican apartments right across from the beach and Atlantic Ocean. They provided free donuts to us in the morning.  Got cooked in the sun and took a trip to see the sights in Miami. 
This is a photo of chubby Jerry with Tom on the beach. Al took all the pictures probably with an Instamatic camera.  Remember those?

Its a sunny morning today and we are attending the Berkley Art Bash later today.  Its a big deal in town
all for now
stay safe

Tuesday, June 7, 2022

More Cowbell


Been living thru the aftermath of my facial surgery.  Still covered up for the next few days till the stitches are removed.  A rainy night in Berkley last evening.  Could hear the sound of it as I awake early.  Wondering what the outcome of this will be.  Will the scarring be obvious?  Will my face be newly defined by it?  How many explanations will have to be made?  I guess I am not sorry I went to have my body looked at.  Maybe it will be the impetus for the kids around me to listen to their parents and wear sunscreen.  Dr. Lenny told me that the cancer was from a long time ago.


There was a sketch in SNL in 2000 where Christopher Walken played record producer Bruce Dickinson directing the band Blue Oyster Cult into their "Don't Fear the Reaper" track.  Will Ferrell plays the cowbell in it as a band member.  It was funny and stayed with many of us.  It was mentioned on Jeopardy and some did not get the joke.  I went back to footage and watched it again and was delighted. I would be curious to know who remembers this memorable skit.

This is an intensely personal writing for me.  It is peculiar the things that we remember that were impactful in our past.  When I was about 11 my parents had a new baby.  Her name was Pamela Jean and Joan and I were shipped up to Flint to stay with Grandma and her new husband Eddie or about two weeks prior to the birth.  Their home was a two bedroom frame home on E. McClellan Street across from Flint Northern HS.  It had an enclosed front porch so you could view the cars speeding by on the busy avenue.  Their next door neighbors were an old couple named Mr and Mrs. Gumm.  They had plum trees in their back yard which we picked from that summer.  This was the summer of my first boyhood crush. On the other side there was a family with a high school girl that was lovely and short in stature with a ready smile that I was completely smitten with.  I would sit on the porch waiting expectantly to say hello as she passed bay to go home.  We would occasionally have brief conversations passing the time too.  It was definitely a high point in my summer.

Many of us have collections of memories from our past still so clear we could paint pictures of the scenes where they took place.  They could be of family gatherings or concerts with friends or sporting events.  This was one of mine.

Not much really going on today aside from a short trip to the bank and to TJ's.  Judy went to PF this morning.  I am excluded till I have my stitches removed.

Have been enjoying the reboot of Bosch.  Now he is a PI and still has some contact with his old police cronies from before.  Maddy his daughter is now a rookie cop dealing with all those trials and tribulations.  I like Harry's character with a strong moral center kind of shlumpy with a dad bod.  Mimi Rogers is also excellent as his foil the defense lawyer.  She was once married to Tom Cruise being 6 years his senior.

Humor is subjective.  What I enjoy, you might find boring or offensive.  I personally enjoy the Jerry Seinfeld "Comedians in cars getting Coffee" on Netflix.  The programs are about 16 minutes long, much akin to a standup routine.  Many are very humorous to me.  His brand of comedy is  observational and to my liking.

Went walking around dinner time this evening.  pictured are some of the plantings I saw.  Had occasion to meet and talk to the owner of my favorite lawn sculpture, a metal pig with wings, a very charming woman with many tattoos.  She said she saw it at a craft show and had to have it.  It makes. me smile whenever I walk past. 

all for now

stay safe

Saturday, June 4, 2022

Marie the Speaker

Had surgery on my face yesterday for basal cell carcinoma.  Not pleasant but the most treatable kind of skin cancer.  We did not know about sun screen when we were kids.  It was only Coppertone and maybe baby oil to deepen the tan.  Now paying the price for all the excesses.  Should look rather Frankensteinesque for the next couple of weeks.  Feeling a little melancholy today.  I think it will pass. Had a good time at the barber shop yesterday, laughing with these guys made me forget about the state of my face.  I really. have no idea why they take me in.  We were all chuckling with the "should have seen the other guy" remarks.  There were a lot of kids getting haircuts on this day, very noisy but full of life.

Gas crossed the 5 dollar mark in my neighborhood.  I paid 4.85 a gallon in the next town.  No gas shortage this time like in the Carter era.  This is based on the pure greed of the oil companies looking to recoup their losses when the price on crude oil plummeted a few years ago.  I paid 4.24 for a half gallon of milk at the local 7-11 a few days ago.  Must admit, I was shocked.  

Oak Ridge Elem had their annual Red, White and Blue day last Tuesday in the blazing sun.  My darling Marie was one of the speakers.  At this event, military veterans are honored and recognized by the students, teachers and the attendees.  Judy was there as an honoree as a Navy nurse.  This event has been occurring since 1968 started by a third grade teacher in honor of her brother who served in Viet Nam.  Sadly for us, this will be our last attendance because next year, middle school awaits.  We have participated at this fine school for two generations of students.  For me, this grandkid time frame was wonderful because I could directly participate.  There are teachers I will miss of course.  Mrs. Lois Mann was the kindergarten teacher for Katey and Jon and Eli and Marie.  She is about a year short of me and is still going strong, connecting with her students and making them feel safe and happy, learning many things along the way. 

Spent the night at Andrew's last evening.  These guys need little tending to.  Each have their own room and their own entertainment.  Simon the kitty peers out for an occasional pet.  I watched all the David Letterman interviews previously missed.  This show is mostly about the connection made with the guests.  At the completion, they really know each other and have some affection shared.  My favorite was Cardi B, a performer I knew nothing about, but they too connected.

Taking off my bandages today to have a first look at the outcome.  Nervous but needing to move forward.

that's it

all for now

Trader Joes.

I am a big Trader Joes fan.  Even though it is not as convenient as it was when I lived in Berkley, I still frequent the market in Royal Oak...