Saturday, June 11, 2022

First trip back to Kensington

So we took our inaugural trip back to Kensington Nature Trail yesterday.  After an lengthy construction trip west on I-96 we arrived to beautiful day,  albeit a little buggy with the humidity.  Saw a lot of the usual.  The Sand Hill cranes had a baby still with juvenile feathers and mom feeding her mouth to mouth.  Was able to get pretty close for this shot.  We set down out bird seed and she was going for the container on the bench.  

We also had a momma raccoon and her offspring in close proximity happy to be fed the sunflower seeds in our mix.  They followed us on the trail as we dropped piles of seeds.  Aside from a friend that had one of these creatures living in his garbage can, never seen one this close.  She was about 2 feet away looking directly at me for more eats.

Judy had her usual success with woodpeckers eating from her hand.  There were lots of "chippies" all looking for food.  It was a shorter trip than usual but a fun one.

In 1968, about 54 years ago to the day, me and two friends went on a driving trip to Washington DC and to Ft. Lauderdale FL.  It was a real coming of age journey for me.  Al and Tom were a year older than I and my parents trusted them to take care of me.  They were and still are responsible men.  To synopsize, we went to Washington,  got rained out, drove to FL trying to dry out wet clothes flapping in the breeze. The vehicle was a 1967 Dodge Dart, dark green with baby moon hub caps. Al was always a saver and paid cash (20 hundred dollar bills) for the car..


After arriving, we stayed for $7.00 a night at the Jamaican apartments right across from the beach and Atlantic Ocean. They provided free donuts to us in the morning.  Got cooked in the sun and took a trip to see the sights in Miami. 
This is a photo of chubby Jerry with Tom on the beach. Al took all the pictures probably with an Instamatic camera.  Remember those?

Its a sunny morning today and we are attending the Berkley Art Bash later today.  Its a big deal in town
all for now
stay safe

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