Monday, June 13, 2022

Sunday, Sunday

This is my favorite kind of lighting, dappled coming thru the trees and other foliage.  These are ground covering plants at the nature center in Madison Heights. 

It's Monday now sun is shining and I am ready to go back to planet fitness after my stitches were removed.  Finally I am able to go bandage free looking somewhat normal.  Been thinking about smells that I like.  One is peaches ripening on the shelf their odor wafting thru the air.  At the opposite end of the spectrum, I enjoy the smell of sautéing onions and peppers on the stove.  it reminds me of the Italian cooks in Jersey.

Watched a surprisingly good film in Hustle staring Adam Sandler, Queen Latifah and Juancho Hernangomez  in a basketball redemption tale.  It is on Netflix and you will be surprised at how entertaining a show it is.  Sandler's previous dramatic roles have been underwelming at best, but he really brings this one home.  They're more real basketball stars in it as well.  All of which are having a great time.

I have found myself favoring female ballad singers of late.  Diana Krall is a prime example.  She doesn't have a large vocal range but along with piano skills she makes music that I can connect to.  Current big like is  Renee Olstead.  Try her Pandora station.  

Finished up at Planet Fitness today, and it dd not go too bad.  Lightened up on some of the weights but increased the reps.  

that's it
all for now
enjoy this beautiful day

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