Saturday, August 17, 2024

Dream Cruise 2024

I heard the first rumble of the tailpipe this morning at 6:45am.  The Dream Cruise is starting.  Looks like the rain all hit in the middle of the night.  Should be smooth sailing for the most part.  Don't have much interest in such things currently.  My six year old Ford Fusion gets me around and thats good enough.  Really don't have the longing for a classic '57 Chevy anymore.  It strikes me that nearly all of the participants are now white haired or without hair trying to summon up what's left of their testosterone thru the shifters and rumbling exhausts.  When these guys complete their last rodeo, who will take over this event?  Big batteried electric cars simply don't have the appeal.  And they are nearly noiseless.  

The apartment is making progress.  The floors are in.  It is a wood appearing planks that are stuck down, kind of a mat finish.  Makes the space seem larger.  Sound proofing insulation has been installed to be inspected on Monday.  We have a new sump pump and backup pump as well.  Need absolute assurance that the space stays dry.

Andrew and Stephanie are in AL for the memorial service for her mother.  We have our lodger dog Sweetums with us.  Loves the long walks and It took a while for her to find food she likes.  Sleeps under the covers in our bed.  Her and Harry get along famously.  

It's going to be a loud day with all the cars up and down Woodward.  Traveling east, crossing the avenue
will be nearly impossible as it is every year.  Oh Well.

all for now

stay patient and safe

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Season 3

This will be of little interest to most, but I struggled through the beginning of season 3 of "The Bear" on Hulu. Episodes 1 and 2 were nothing but a continuation of all the screaming and cursing from the last season which I enjoyed as they created a fine dining eatery after the sandwich place from before with the money his dead brother stashed away in tomato sauce cans.  The cacophony from all the yelling and discontent with all the staff members really got to me.  I thought the writers really lost there mojo and something was missing.  We stopped viewing the show for quite a while being disenchanted.

I started up recently when Judy was out with the end of the third episode and the flavor of the ensemble started shining thru again.  With less focus on Carmy and Sydney,  smaller characters stories were being told and expanded upon.  These have been poignant and touching, especially the middle aged Hispanic lady that is a sous chef.  There was one whole story on her losing her job and the struggle to get anything in that her husbands cmployment as a doorman was not enough to pay the rent and feed the family.  In a last ditch effort,  she goes into their Chicago Beef sandwich shop, falls apart with her frustration and has a heart to heart with Michael,  the brother about life and dreams and gets offered a job.  Among other things, he tells her that this place will make her happy even though the pay is sub par.

I am kind of hooked again.  Will watch all the episodes with Judy if she is interested.

Getting used to all the cursing.  The British crime shows same to have no language restrictions and this follows suit.  Words are words.  Very little is shocking.  Our society and the vernacular is moving in this direction for good or bad.  

Thats it for now

stay safe

all for now

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sunday Morning

It's Sunday morning.  Shannon is here and getting her beauty treatment from Judy.  This is an extensive process including facial, nails, and a hair trim.  To be blunt, I could never do this.  She would not look good or be as polished if I did the task. 

As crappy as I felt yesterday, I feel so much better today maybe due to better sleep.  I never can understand it.  Always run into the lovely Esterlee at the laundry machines.  She calls out to make certain I am not rightened.  I can assure you, I am not.  She is always the one I see first in the morning. She is a talker in the extreme.

Went to the Lloyd Stage Nature Center in Troy and captured some shots of the environment.  This is a tributary of the Rouge River. that courses thru the park along with some of the flora along the 

trail.  It was the first time we had visited the place since the heart issue in March.  All felt pretty good aside from the hill climbing in the middle.  When we arrived home, had the surprise of Eli on his bike for a visit and some cookies.  He is quite a pleasant 14 year old.  

This a look at the cleaned up Shannon, joyful as usual.  She took a slow tumble last night and Judy struggled but got her up and back on the walker and into the chair.

Should be a quiet day 

Have to figure out what to make for dinner.

Re: Paris Olympics, While I am very happy that our team has done well.  It thrills me to see teams winning a Gold Medal for the first time.  The home crowd is ecstatic  I am not move by the breakdancing category.  It's probably my age.  

Well, thats it

stay safe and enjoy the beautiful day

all for now

Thursday, August 8, 2024


I know that this is probably a pollyanna view, but this new guy on the ticket gives me hope for the future.  He was a teacher, a reservist, and he gets a pension those occupations.  His hair went white and fell out because he was a lunchroom monitor for 20 years.  I can identify with the hair color and the depopulating scalp. Maybe he is do-gooder and quite proud of it.  He has a dog that is a rescue and was the advisor for a gay/straight student organization. It's been a long time since I have been so hopeful

Finished up my Cheerios and peaches this morning, took all my pills and am downing the end of my coffee.  

My only question is how will these happy warriors deal with monsters like Putin?  That is a question that has not yet been answered.  Old Joe had decades of experience in diplomacy and international dealmaking.  These guys do not. Our world as it is; is complicated and dangerous.  I believe this team can do the job.  

His opponents call him "Tampon Tim" because he put menstrual products in all schools in MN.  I think this strategy will surely backfire.  My wife explained to me the terror of a young girl in school and a period hits and she is unprepared.  Guys cannot comprehend this in that we have nothing to compare it to.  This title will enhance his position not deter it.

I know I need more puppies and flowers.

all for now

stay safe

Sunday, August 4, 2024

An Interesting Day

So we were invited to the annual party/reunion at Kensington Metropark by my cousin John Szaz.  Try to attend each year when possible.  We have been rained out a fe
w times but mostly the occasion is marked with lots of good food and getting caught up with folks I don't see very often.  We are always welcomed and I am the oldest guy there.  I have great-great nieces and nephews in this group. I am nearly the last of my generation of cousins.  So this is the framework of this event, sunny day, lots of food and camaraderie .  

We had an arduous journey over hill and dale to get there due to the construction and we took the overland route.  It was quite frustrating to say the least.  But finally we arrived at the designated location Martingale Beach.  We parked the car, got out all the stuff we were toting and walked to the spot where we always gather.  We see John and his son walking towards us, hugs exchanged and they carry on to their vehicle.  Moving toward this location, we setup our stuff, put my pasta salad on the community table and sit down.  I grab a hamburger and some of my salad to test it out.  Judy gets some broccoli salad that she raves about.  

We don't see the usual cast of cousins yet.  But the crowd looks right; right ages, right sizes, right chairs and very friendly.  I approach a guy I think I know and remark about his beard being grayer than I remember.   Ask the guy sitting next to me  how he is connected to the group.  I continue to munch away, really enjoying my cheeseburger.  Judy comes up and announces that our group is over there not here.  We have crashed the party.  Everything just looked so right.  Suitably embarrassed,  we offer our apologies and move to our group.  

These folks couldn't be nicer telling us that it was their 30th anniversary and it was fitting in that a group had crashed their wedding reception.  Were give commemorative cookies and off we went to the correct party. I thanked the cook for the burger and told him how much I enjoyed it.   Proceeded to see my cousins. 

An interesting day. 

Friday, August 2, 2024

Detainees returned

After what he has been thru lately, Joe deserved this win with the detainees in Russia being returned to their families. His speech with the families present mid day yesterday was both touching and poignant.  Calling out the importance of allies in these complicated negotiations was quite fitting considering his long background in foreign retaliations. Yes, his speech was halting at times, but we should forgive him this faltering.  At this moment, he became everyone's favorite grandpa and thats ok.

We finished watching Ron Howard's excellent documentary, Jim Henson, Idea Man on Disney Plus yesterday.  I have many fond memories of watching Sesame Street and all the Muppets shows with my kids and grandkids. A-list stars like Julie Andrews and Elton John were always clamoring to sing with these characters. And there was always some adult humor slipped in that would go over the heads of the kids.  I particularly favor the Swedish Chef and poor Beaker that was always subject to abuse.  Even though these were puppets, they seemed real to most of us and reflected the moments in our lives providing an alternative look at life.  I have to mention that I loved his show Fraggle Rock.  Was particularly fond of Uncle Traveling Matt who snuck into the human world and brought back tales and observations.  For some reason, I could identify with this guy.  Jim was a workaholic, so much so that he neglected his heath and died at 53 after a brief illness.  

Rained all last night with some thunder in the mix.  I tend to sleep in shifts, half in bed and half on the couch with the window open. There were two or three people loudly cursing and arguing directly below us and it went on for some time.  Needless to say, it was a sleep disruptor.  

Well breakfast is done and the dishes are cleaned up.  The laundry is in the dryer and it's not 7 yet.  

Not much going on today

More rain is forecasted

enjoy it anyway

all for now

stay safe

Thursday, August 1, 2024


Can Kamala win?  It is my belief that there is such a strong prejudice against women in leadership positions in this country, that I fear it will take over any chance of her winning the election.  Further, there are many female supporters of the former president that are religious in their fervor.  That fact baffles me but it exists.  I know this is maybe too political.  But this election will plot the course that our country will take in the future.  Trump has advised Christians in a speech that they won't need to vote after this election having anointing himself as Supreme Leader.  

Please consider all
this as you cast your ballot, even if you cannot imagine a woman president.  Consider the alternative. 

(decorative grass from my walk back from the doctor)

Next blog will be puppies and daisies.

Thats it

all for now

stay safe

The passage of time

 So I am moving quickly to what I consider the gateway to old age, 75 years.  Wondering what the remainder of my life will be like and remem...