Friday, August 2, 2024

Detainees returned

After what he has been thru lately, Joe deserved this win with the detainees in Russia being returned to their families. His speech with the families present mid day yesterday was both touching and poignant.  Calling out the importance of allies in these complicated negotiations was quite fitting considering his long background in foreign retaliations. Yes, his speech was halting at times, but we should forgive him this faltering.  At this moment, he became everyone's favorite grandpa and thats ok.

We finished watching Ron Howard's excellent documentary, Jim Henson, Idea Man on Disney Plus yesterday.  I have many fond memories of watching Sesame Street and all the Muppets shows with my kids and grandkids. A-list stars like Julie Andrews and Elton John were always clamoring to sing with these characters. And there was always some adult humor slipped in that would go over the heads of the kids.  I particularly favor the Swedish Chef and poor Beaker that was always subject to abuse.  Even though these were puppets, they seemed real to most of us and reflected the moments in our lives providing an alternative look at life.  I have to mention that I loved his show Fraggle Rock.  Was particularly fond of Uncle Traveling Matt who snuck into the human world and brought back tales and observations.  For some reason, I could identify with this guy.  Jim was a workaholic, so much so that he neglected his heath and died at 53 after a brief illness.  

Rained all last night with some thunder in the mix.  I tend to sleep in shifts, half in bed and half on the couch with the window open. There were two or three people loudly cursing and arguing directly below us and it went on for some time.  Needless to say, it was a sleep disruptor.  

Well breakfast is done and the dishes are cleaned up.  The laundry is in the dryer and it's not 7 yet.  

Not much going on today

More rain is forecasted

enjoy it anyway

all for now

stay safe

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