Monday, January 29, 2024

A great season and an expired coffeemaker

Lions lost.  The Keurig coffeemaker has to go, leaking badly.  What's next? This is my less than happy face.  Even though they were defeated by the 49ers, they had a great season and built a team of brothers.  These guys will be force to be reckoned with in the future.

Coffeemaker has been its last legs for awhile and it came as no surprise that I had a lake under the machine when I filled it for coffee this morning.  Judy ordered a new one.  Should be delivered later to day.  

Watching the Willie Nelson and Family documentary series (4 parts).  This is truly a remarkable guy and definitely worth watching to see the insights of his life and times. The viewers see him will all the mistakes and the worts. Lots of good interview snippets with other country players.   His biggest fan seems to be Wynton Marselles who extolled about his musical intuition.  Learned he was best pals with Ray Charles.  There was a moving rendition of he and Leon Russell and "Singing This Song for You". Ray sang the last verse and Willie was moved to tears as Ray was approaching the end of his days.  

Am a big fan of British crime procedurals mostly shown on Britbox (via Prime Video).  In the middle of "Payback".  As always, the writers keep the viewers in the dark with many plot twists and turns.  Scottish actor Peter Mullan is one of the best tough guys I have seen.  I think I know the culprit but not sure and expect to be surprised.  If you have this service, catch this one.

all for now
stay safe
stay warm

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Lets get a Physical

Have a physical coming up.  I always feel that I am on trial for this practice.  The primary care doc has some polite conversation and checks out a few things on the body, listening to the breathing, testing the reflexes and staring down the throat.  We have a little "how are you feeling conversation". Do you have any problems? The nurse/assistant does a simple EKG.  Then at the end, the she comes in and draws vials of your blood.  Never pleasant but necessary, it provides the bulk of the information about you. It's kind of like getting an oil change on your car when they check the fluids and the condition of the brakes.  You provide a urine sample and they send you on your way.  Insurance pays for one of these per year.  United Healthcare gives me 15.00 for this visit.  

Then, the wait for the results.......  The mybeaumont chart provides the results of the battery of blood tests.  I hate waiting for this. Anxiety is rampant.  For me the big item is the A1C which measures glucose in the blood over a period of 3 months.  If it is out of line, the doc will be less than pleased. These blood tests are the real test of your physical condition.  There are guidelines in the report as to your numbers being within limits.  This is good, this is not so good.  At some point down the road you will receive a phone call from the doc's assistant with recommendations. These folks know my scores but not really me, only that I am old.

Wishing all the best today for the Detroit Lions, the Cinderella team of the league, even though the media spends little time on them.  For me Campbell, Goff and the rest of the team have already won the Super Bowl.  Eddie Kocsis would have been thrilled along with his son-in-law, Gary Tervo.  Hope they are watching.

all for now 

stay safe

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Its Forty, no rain so we are walking

The day started off pretty wet.  Went to the new house to pickup the kids for school and the ride was ok but not comfortable with all the rain and the glare from the oncoming traffic.  I hate driving in the rain in the dark.  Later, it stopped,  Judy was out for coffee with her friend Jayne and Harry and I took a walk after way too much time in side. 

This is him raring to go.  I forced him to pause so I could take his picture.  In the winter solitude he picked up a few pounds and was a little wider as we all are.  As always, he enjoyed his time outdoors with all the smells of the neighborhood.

As mentioned, it was raining at the beginning of the day.  My normal course is to take the kids to Royal Oak Middle School (the former Dondero HS).  The traffic patterns at the entrance are for students leaving the parking lot to cross thru exiting traffic to get to the main door.  So they have a team of teachers armed with hand held stop signs to pause the traffic.  I thought of this guy standing in the rain for duration of the arrival period crossing kids then allowing traffic to go thru.  This is a really important job assuring the safety of the students.  Standing out in the rain directing traffic was not in the original job description to be an educator.  Also there is a street crossing guard that lives with us at Oxford Towers  who does an amazing job keeping students safe. He has to fend off impatient drivers coming in 3 directions to get students to school.  

Made some dinner for Andrew, Steph and the kids last night.  Cooked it there.  Came out pretty good.  Eli and Marie are getting more accustomed to their rooms.  Laundry with no payment is an advantage.  Clothes got stuck in the laundry chute but were freed.  Simon the cat is moving downstairs.  All in all, things are progressing nicely.  

In closing, do you think the 80 year old plaintiff will ever see a nickel of the 83 million awarded?  I think not.

all for now

stay safe 


Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Laundry complete

Three piles of clothes,  Judy's, mine and towels are placed on the bed to be put away.  Read about Ringo today in the AARP periodical.  His hair and beard died to a dark brown, his says his body is 90% broccoli.  He encourages everyone to consume this vegetable.  Ringo is now 83 still touring with his All Starr band with a rotating cast of rock veterans.  Maybe he has something right. 

Still hard at work on the house.  We have three doors to re install.  All the hardware has been removed and has been cleaned by my fervent wife.  As in her past practice, she boils the metal components to remove  old paint.  Works pretty good.  This time she boiled water in the microwave and left the parts in there.  The dilemma has been to get the right door on the right doorway and to get the hinges on correctly.  She and I battled thru this process and finally, she (not me) got one of the doors up.   We have two more to go.  My main job today will be to mask off trim for painting.  My painting skills have never been great but now even less.  I am relegated to masking, something I can master.

It is a foggy morning with rain forecast for the rest of the day.  But at least, the snow is melting.  

all for now

stay safe

Monday, January 22, 2024

A Wedding!!

So the day after the big move,  it's marriage day.  I know, a lot in short span of time.  Let's look at the recent time line.  On January 5th they got possession of their new home in Southfield.  During  January 7th-12th, floors were refinished, with painting up until the move in date of the 20th.  And then.....get married.  Whew! lots to accomplish.  

The service was held at LAM or Life Application Ministries in Warren.  This is a non denominational  faith center that is largely African American.  The pastor was terrific preacher that really believed every word that came out of his mouth.
This is much different than the Roman Catholic tradition I grew up with. It's much more spontaneous and interactive with the congregation.  There is no Mary.  There are no Saints, only Jesus and God and the teachings of the Bible.  I did not agree with everything he said but was thrilled with the presentation.  I have always admired great orators.  Also this guy is about 5'1" near as I can tell.  
The ceremony was straight forward with all the needed elements.  It was small, only family members and a few friends were present.  These two really love each other and it really shows.  I am so happy for them both.

I had occasion to see my friend and mentor Omar Griffith at the service.  He is an Elder in the church. He has suffered a partially detached retina recently and I think of him a lot.  Omar has been my window into the truths of black culture.  He and I have the difficult discussions to more toward harmony between our differing cultures.

Also, Jon and his boys Paxton and Everett came for an overnite to attend the marriage ceremony.  My lovely Katey served as one of the witnesses needed at for completion of the process.  
The folks at Zeoli put on a wonderful luncheon after the service.  This place never disappoints. 

It was a big weekend to say the least filled with joys and activities.  Me and Shannon are here now watching Moana from Disney.

Got some good shots of our crew from Middleville as well over the time of their visit.

all for now
stay safe and warm


Saturday, January 20, 2024

Moving day in the cold

So it's cold as hell and today is moving day into the house in Southfield for Andrew and Stephanie.  I will say it is approaching being completed.  Rooms are painted and floors are finished.  It ultimately will work out. Still need register covers and cold air returns to be installed.  You know the guy that was plowing the drive on that cold morning a few days ago?  Well he said he would be back to do the sidewalk.  That never happened.  Nor has he returned to do the driveway again.  He said it was all paid for.  The money is in his pocket for the season and we did not see him again.  So much for that.

We have our lodger dog, Miss Sweetums for a few days.  She is very easy to take care of and sleeps under the covers at the foot of the bed.  Harry likes her company and the residents know her too.   Everyone is sleeping except me.  Still thinking what to have for breakfast.  Jon and the boys are coming today for an overnite.  Have to shop for foods Everett will like, namely frozen waffles, bacon, cucumbers, apple, and bananas.  Near as I can tell, these are the items he favors.  His brother Paxton is happy with pb&j and most other things.  It will be terrific to see these guys.

Bought the stuff to make chicken soup.  Might try that today for an easy dinner.

thats it

all for now

stay warm and safe


Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Prime Time

The saga continues in Southfield.  Now most of the rooms are primed.  Most proud of my accomplishment with the front closet.  Still ridiculously cold outside and the kids have their second day off due to the brutal temperatures.  There are over 300 schools closed in the area.   

One thing learned about this painting experience is that the purpose of primer is to provide a surface for  the final coats to stick to.  Unlike most water based paints, simple soap and water does not readily remove it from your hands, hair etc.  Am still scrubbing to get it off.
So the former won the Iowa Caucuses, really no surprise.  Only 14% of eligible Republican voters showed up due to the weather conditions.  He told them to come out and vote for him even if they were sick or dying.  This is a truly remarkable man.  I guess what is remarkable is the fervency of his supporters.
The current president is simply too old to live thru the rigorous task of another term.  It saddens me that he might be defeated by this immoral buffoon.

Gawd, I hate the prospect of venturing out in the cold today again.  I know, too many complaints.


Thats it.

stay warm 

all for now

Sunday, January 14, 2024


Lots of cold weather and snow, and it shouldn't be a surprise in Michigan.  Still comes as a frigid slap in the face after a warm December.  Still toiling on the house and making progress slowly.  But did have a nice surprise yesterday.   The lady we bought the house from had a snow removal service already paid for the season.  While I was taking a break from shoveling yesterday,  I noticed a pickup truck half in the garage.  He was cleaning the driveway from the frozen snow/ice on the surface.  Ran out to thank him and pay at least something, but he said it was already paid for.  Shocked to say the least.  No snow blower needed till next year.  

Cleaned the fireplace area and removed stubborn registers from the floor.  The paint was so thick, couldn't hardly get to the screws.  My old body was telling me of my age and lack of flexibility.  Knees and calf muscles were screaming.  Very out of shape.  There is more to come today.

Don't even want to talk about politics and this election.  And I don't want to hear about Hunter Biden's f*cking laptop

All for now

stay warm today

watch your footing

Thursday, January 11, 2024

The Continuing Saga


Floors are now all sanded and the stain has been applied.  Today they are applying  the finish.  This hardworking team is doing a great job and all should be wrapped up by the weekend.

Back to school delivery today in a snow storm.  I was really not ready for today's roads in the dark with folks moving at freeway speeds.  We got there safe and sound with all the other parents at ROMS.  

There are lots of electrical issues that need to be dealt with and Greenwire Systems is coming out.

Today is my wonderful son Jon's 41st birthday.  He was born at Paul Kimball Hospital in Lakewood NJ,  our only Jersey boy.  They handed him to me right after birth and they had to stick a stool under my butt.  My legs were shaking.  I remember stashing a camera at a nearby nurses station for a photo as he rolled by in his baby box.  Incredibly proud of this young man, a Navy vet and a terrific dad and husband.  He and his family reside in Middleville MI, which is south of Grand Rapids on the banks of the Thornapple River.  
He is a HVAC technician with great success drawing in part from his training as a damage control man on his ship. 

Don't get to see him or his crew as much a I would like to because of the distance.  Miss him a lot.

Thats it
all for now
snow should be melting by the afternoon.
stay safe

Monday, January 8, 2024

Home Renovations

So working with Andrew and Stephanie on their new home.  This is a ranch home built in 1963 with many of the accruements of that time period.  One of which is mirrored walls to provide the illusion of larger rooms in a sixties mindset.  They decided it was not the look they wanted and the mirrors had to go.  As you can see, it's a large expanse of glass.  Now the big question,  how to safely remove and not cause damage to the wall behind.  

My researching wife went looking on YouTube and located a solution.  She found a guy that used "Surface Shields Carpet Shield"to facilitate the process.  This stuff is an adhesive backed plastic film on a roll.  The primary purpose is to protect carpeting when there is painting going on in a room.  In this case however, it's applied to the mirrored surface and stuck down.  The mirror is whacked with a  hammer and the glass shatters but stays adhered to the film.  It can then be removed carefully in sections and disposed of.  Andrew and Katey accomplished this quite handily yesterday without any injury nor damage to the wall.  Of course, safety glasses and rubber palmed gloves were used as well.  If this is a task you need to take on, this system might work for you and keep you safe.

This is the finished surface before paint prepping.

Going over today for more fun a games.  Got lots of garbage to sort thru and package for tomorrow's pickup.  The floor guys are going to be finishing up.

Well thats it

all for now

stay safe

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Snow ugh!

 Snowed last night and is doing a little more this morning.  It's disappointing, but expected.  After all,  it's January in Michigan.

We are undertaking a major project.  Andrew and his family are moving from an apartment into a single family home in Southfield this year.  The former owner was an elderly lady that is quite frail, but sweet.  Got the keys at the end of the week.  We are helping with the numerous projects on this place.  There is a massive cleaning effort needed along with the usual patching and painting, carpets being removed and floors sanded.  The home is from1963 so the untouched flooring is red oak that will take to the sanding quite well.  Will share more as the task progresses.

We watched Worth , last evening.  This is a film of true events leading to settlement of the 911 Victims fund to compensate those harmed by this tragedy.  Michael Keaton portrays the lead character of Special Master Kenneth Feinberg that created the formula for compensation funded by the federal government.  His portrayal is poignant in that it showed the struggle toward finding a solution for this compensation.  Keaton and the entire case to a good job getting all the complicated feelings across.  It's worth seeing even though it brings up the sorrows of the event. 

The Lions play the Vikings today in the NFL playoffs.  Usually the players and coaches are off playing golf or fishing in a warmer climate this time of year.  I wish them well.  Regardless, it has been a great season.

Off to get Shannon soon.  She will be spending the day with us.

all for now

stay safe

Thursday, January 4, 2024

No More Pat and Vanna tonight

Could not stand any more of Pat and Vanna for tonight.  Had to get away from the TV.  At points, this show as popular at it is, can be annoying.  We did see and complete a terrific British crime series that is brand new: Fool Me Once.  This series completely sucks you in and you have to fight the feeling to completely binge.

Big movie day, today.  Also saw a semi documentary  called The Laundromat  with Meryl Streep, Antonio Banderas and a cleaned up  Gary Oldman as the main operatives in this effort that exposes the real financial misdeeds and hijinks in the creation and operation of shell companies. There are many sub characters in this, too many to mention.  It is a shocking look at international finances.

Had a terrific coffee time with friend Tom Cameron at Panera too today.  He is always bursting with ideas and opinions.  We spoke off the family events that have occurred from August thru the end of the year.  He is a voracious reader and always has lots of recommendations.

And Now on to Jeopardy

thats it

all for now

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Its January2nd

 All the plans to improve should commence today. Eat better, exercise more blah blah blah.  Still cold and dreary outside.  The wash is in the dryer and the breakfast dishes are done. Had ham and havarti cheese omelet.  It was one of my better ones.  Seem to be comfortable with this little beard for awhile to hide my ever weakening chin.  Saw another good British drama series "Fool me Once" on Netflix.  It's a pretty good showing leaving the viewer clueless after the first episode. 

The Lions were robbed of a victory and the Wolverines prevailed.  Dan Campbell seems to dust himself off after raging and is moving forward.  I really believe he inspires his team.  With this season's record, they have already won the Super Bowl for me.  The media praises the football teams like the Kansas City Chiefs, but says nothing about our Lions. Theirs is truly a Cinderella story, with a miserable, demoralized team that has transformed into a winning franchise.  I am starting to believe those "Detroit vs. Everybody" sweatshirts.

Rochester Road that we suffered with for the better part of a year was recently completed and has brilliant painted lines and glass smooth surfaces.  I traveled that road nearly every day to get to Katey's apartment,  bitching all the way.  Royal Oak replaced the venerable Main Art Theater with a 5 story office building that is built right to the sidewalk. It seems in fact to hang over the walkway.  This monstrosity seems completely out of place in this setting; not pleased.

I have to remove dead stuff from the refrigerator.

thats it

all for now

stay safe

The passage of time

 So I am moving quickly to what I consider the gateway to old age, 75 years.  Wondering what the remainder of my life will be like and remem...