Saturday, January 27, 2024

Its Forty, no rain so we are walking

The day started off pretty wet.  Went to the new house to pickup the kids for school and the ride was ok but not comfortable with all the rain and the glare from the oncoming traffic.  I hate driving in the rain in the dark.  Later, it stopped,  Judy was out for coffee with her friend Jayne and Harry and I took a walk after way too much time in side. 

This is him raring to go.  I forced him to pause so I could take his picture.  In the winter solitude he picked up a few pounds and was a little wider as we all are.  As always, he enjoyed his time outdoors with all the smells of the neighborhood.

As mentioned, it was raining at the beginning of the day.  My normal course is to take the kids to Royal Oak Middle School (the former Dondero HS).  The traffic patterns at the entrance are for students leaving the parking lot to cross thru exiting traffic to get to the main door.  So they have a team of teachers armed with hand held stop signs to pause the traffic.  I thought of this guy standing in the rain for duration of the arrival period crossing kids then allowing traffic to go thru.  This is a really important job assuring the safety of the students.  Standing out in the rain directing traffic was not in the original job description to be an educator.  Also there is a street crossing guard that lives with us at Oxford Towers  who does an amazing job keeping students safe. He has to fend off impatient drivers coming in 3 directions to get students to school.  

Made some dinner for Andrew, Steph and the kids last night.  Cooked it there.  Came out pretty good.  Eli and Marie are getting more accustomed to their rooms.  Laundry with no payment is an advantage.  Clothes got stuck in the laundry chute but were freed.  Simon the cat is moving downstairs.  All in all, things are progressing nicely.  

In closing, do you think the 80 year old plaintiff will ever see a nickel of the 83 million awarded?  I think not.

all for now

stay safe 


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