Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Laundry complete

Three piles of clothes,  Judy's, mine and towels are placed on the bed to be put away.  Read about Ringo today in the AARP periodical.  His hair and beard died to a dark brown, his says his body is 90% broccoli.  He encourages everyone to consume this vegetable.  Ringo is now 83 still touring with his All Starr band with a rotating cast of rock veterans.  Maybe he has something right. 

Still hard at work on the house.  We have three doors to re install.  All the hardware has been removed and has been cleaned by my fervent wife.  As in her past practice, she boils the metal components to remove  old paint.  Works pretty good.  This time she boiled water in the microwave and left the parts in there.  The dilemma has been to get the right door on the right doorway and to get the hinges on correctly.  She and I battled thru this process and finally, she (not me) got one of the doors up.   We have two more to go.  My main job today will be to mask off trim for painting.  My painting skills have never been great but now even less.  I am relegated to masking, something I can master.

It is a foggy morning with rain forecast for the rest of the day.  But at least, the snow is melting.  

all for now

stay safe

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