Monday, January 8, 2024

Home Renovations

So working with Andrew and Stephanie on their new home.  This is a ranch home built in 1963 with many of the accruements of that time period.  One of which is mirrored walls to provide the illusion of larger rooms in a sixties mindset.  They decided it was not the look they wanted and the mirrors had to go.  As you can see, it's a large expanse of glass.  Now the big question,  how to safely remove and not cause damage to the wall behind.  

My researching wife went looking on YouTube and located a solution.  She found a guy that used "Surface Shields Carpet Shield"to facilitate the process.  This stuff is an adhesive backed plastic film on a roll.  The primary purpose is to protect carpeting when there is painting going on in a room.  In this case however, it's applied to the mirrored surface and stuck down.  The mirror is whacked with a  hammer and the glass shatters but stays adhered to the film.  It can then be removed carefully in sections and disposed of.  Andrew and Katey accomplished this quite handily yesterday without any injury nor damage to the wall.  Of course, safety glasses and rubber palmed gloves were used as well.  If this is a task you need to take on, this system might work for you and keep you safe.

This is the finished surface before paint prepping.

Going over today for more fun a games.  Got lots of garbage to sort thru and package for tomorrow's pickup.  The floor guys are going to be finishing up.

Well thats it

all for now

stay safe

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