Friday, November 29, 2024

Everyone fit!

 We had the Kocsis family gathering at our new dwelling yesterday.  Aside from getting creative on all the seating, everyone fit and had room to move around and get their food from the various locations where it was placed.  The dogs and cat behaved and the little boys, Paxton and Everett had a blast traveling up and down with the chair lift.  So, this is the combination of two households in cooking and all the needed paraphernalia for the meal with two kitchens and the needed seating.

Stephanie's lovely daughter Andie joined us too.  Eli and Marie came in a little late but enjoyed all the food.  Andrew did most of the desserts and yeast rolls and the bird.  Stephenie did Mac and cheese (spectacular) and greens.  Judy's squash casserole was devoured and I made roasted potatoes and smoked sausages in bbq sauce in the slow cooker mostly for the kids.  Katey of course made a picture perfect lemon meringue pie in honor of her Nanny.  Needless to say the eating was good.

Everett was a little shy at first but warmed up and Paxton worked with his Uncle Andrew to take some photos with the 35mm camera.  The youngster is a very quick study.  Judy got her family picture with everyone present, the first one in years.  I will put is up when he gets done with it.

Taking Harry out today, I saw the first dusting of snow.  I guess it's time we are approaching December.  Our Lions squeaked out a win yesterday at home against Chicago, the first one in 7 years.  They play every Thanksgiving.  

Located this non alcoholic beer at Meijer's and it is really good.  Tastes kind of like Squirt.  It is the first one of these I really liked.  If this is your ilk, give it a try.

Thanksgiving is mostly about gratitude for our lives and family.  Considering the past year I have had, I should be grateful to even be here.  Maybe the best thing is that in this large group, everyone really likes and accepts each other despite our differences.  We can have fun and laugh together.  That is probably the best gift.

all for now

Tuesday, November 26, 2024


It's almost Thanksgiving and I really don't know where to begin.  There will be  parades and big dinners and family gatherings.  We will have ours in our new dwelling.  All the food is planned with all of us taking a part.  The Lions will play Chicago on TV.  With all the cozy feelings, I can't help but think of those with less and this general unease with the direction the country is heading.  With all the warm feelings that abound, this stuff keeps creeping in.  

Andrew had his 44th birthday recently and we celebrated at our place.  Very proud of him as a man, a father and a husband.  He is setting a good example for his children.

Went last night for dinner at Red Coat Tavern in Royal Oak., a somewhat legendary spot.  I was expecting a magical burger with all the fixings.  Yeah it was good but I wasn't transported to flavor heaven.  Seventeen bucks for a burger and a pickle.  At that price, they could have included a few French fries.  That was a little disappointing.  In a meal such as this, the fries are an integral part of the taste experience.  Just saying.

Dear friend Joyce is coming over this morning to visit with her boyfriend Harry. She is 93 and bright as a button although slowing down a little.  Said she was good going down the stairs but will use the lift on the up side.

Cold today with a little sunshine peeking through.

thats it, enjoy the day on Thursday 

all for now

Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Misplaced Refuse

So today, I  woke up after sleeping more than usual.  I took the garbage to the curb, which is one of my jobs.  We were recently warned under threat of citation,  by the city to not have our city provided refuse containers in front of the house and that they needed to be put along side of the property, in the back or in the garage.  This warning came as an official letter on city stationery, signed by an official.  While it was a little disappointing,  we complied and placed the containers in the garage, truly a major crime.

Going to Planet Fitness soon to try and smooth out some of the kinks in my body.  Shoulders are still very stiff from all the falls in the past months.  Lifting straight in front of my body is still painful.  Some movements are still ok.  This is now my new reality.  I suppose it is part of the aging process.  

Trying to get past the horrors of the incoming administration.  Need something else to think about to escape all the negative feelings.  While Stephen is getting all the laughs from his new appointments, those of us trenched in this situation, are shuddering to think of the future.  TV is our primary source of info and entertainment.  I am weary of seeing him and all of his selected minions.  Some are sexual predators all proclaiming their innocence.  These will be our newly appointed officials.  All crimes and indiscretions will be forgotten, buried in some lost memory.

At the writers workshop coming up, I will read a blog or two for appraisal by the group.  I am nervous to be critiqued.  Most of my readers have been friends from Facebook and generally supportive.  Am I a hack? or amateurish? or poor at basic grammar?  Do I write for myself or for an audience? Am as clever as I think?

It's raining here.  And the dim days of fall are upon us.  Harry and his partner are in their beds on the couch.  Stephanie is doing wash.  Judy is back from the kids after a traffic jammed trip to school.

all for now

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Cardio man and a workshop

Where do I begin?  I visited my cardiologist yesterday after a lengthy echocardiogram including a dye test to outline fhe perimeter of my heart,  This guy tells me I am right where I should be in terms of functionality and that everything is working well.  He told me what a mess I was back in March and the admirable status of my plumbing at this point.  I should be elated, uplifted.  He is smiling.  Judy is smiling. Why don't I feel better?  I take one drug that is a blood thinner which is costly.  He tells me that when he sees me next March it may no longer be needed.  This was the bright point of the visit. 

I attended a writers workshop last Thursday.  The site was a brewery in Oak Park called the "Dog and Pony".  It was a comfortable setting with of course beer and other beverages also available from the restaurant next door and from a food truck parked out. front.  I was the newcomer in the group and was treated politely by the organizer of the meeting.  There were about 8 people present..  The protocol was to bring copies of your stuff and read aloud for the group waiting on comments.  There was a guy of Indian decent that had written an essay about himself and his workplace,  There was a playwright who had completed a portion of his work which we all played parts in for his reading.  There was another writer of dark fantasy that I did not really understand.  

I was seated next to the organizer that acted as the moderator. Scott is a high school social studies teacher with a couple of small kids and a wife.  He warmed up and gave me some advice for the next meeting.  I told him my only writing was a frequent blog about my life and my opinions.  In the current climate, he suggested I steer clear of politics. In his experience, things get too heated to be productive.

I really liked the setting and the group and was happy to participate in the discussions.  Really don't know how good I am at this, maybe too amateurish, maybe too revealing.  It was nice to drive myself even in the dark, feeling a new sense of freedom not felt in a while.

I have to present for the next outing.  We will see.

all for now


Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Remember, this is what you wanted


The president elect has been making his selections for key positions in his administration.  Amongst those is a newscaster that will be head of the defense department. He is a well qualified pundit.  I think I'll make my dentist the secretary of commerce because he knows how to prepare a bill.  Kristi the dog assassin will be the new head of homeland security.  Stephen Miller (a Roy Cohn lookalike) will have a key position.  Elon Musk and his colleague will be looking for waste in government.  One can only imagine the havoc they will launch.  Targets could include disabled citizens, medicare and medicaid and the granddaddy of them all, Social Security.  RFK Jr. will work on dismantling vaccines and remove fluoride from the water supply. 

Saw friend Bob for coffee yesterday.  He is well as is his family.  Trying to stay in touch with folks from my past.   We bitched about the election and medications we are taking.  He works at Comerica Park for the Tigers as an usher and been doing it for while.  Bob is mr social and this position fits his personality.

I guess I am not done complaining.  Going to a writers workshop tonite we will see how it goes

all for now



Sunday, November 10, 2024


Honesty, is the portrayal of the truth that many of us strive for.   There is a show on Apple TV called Shrinking.  Pain is on full display along with honest connections between people. The characters wear their feelings on their

sleeves.   The story lines are sometimes confusing like life itself.  Harrison Ford as a supporting character is outstanding in his understatement.  One of the writer/producers is the gruff Brett Goldstein (Roy Kent from Ted Lasso).  He plays a pivotal role and has yet to resolve his conflicts.  Jason Segal as the main protagonist is a bundle of neuroses even though he is a therapist. There is lots of cursing in this show, but it becomes just language, without real offense.  This language aspect is what adds modernity to the program.  People talk like that now.  Americans are behind the curve on this.  The Brits have been cursing acceptably for some time, ultimately with little impact.

Having lunch with a friend I haven't seen since my heart situation back in March.  We have texted back and forth and I know his new granddaughter brings him great joy.  He and I raced slot cars and listened to the Beatles when we were teenagers.  It will be great to see him and catch up.

Harry had a bath in the sink today.  This new deep sink really suits him and his size.  Judy did the full beauty treatment on him including nails and teeth.  He seems to be quite accustomed to it.  

I am going to a writers workshop this week.  Don't know how I will fit into this group.  I am not a novelist or writer of short stories.  I write about my personal observations on the world and my life as it is.  Still furious about the outcome of this election, not really over it at this point.  I am still in complete disbelief over all the citizens that voted for him, mirroring the hate that he disseminates. 

Harry is lounging after his bath and I have vacuuming ahead of me.

Breakfast is done.  It's raining outside.

all for now


Friday, November 8, 2024

last statement

 The President assured that there would be a peaceful transfer of power next year as the Constitution calls for.  This election clearly showed the will of the people to elect the person they thought best for the job.  He had a clear majority and all the needed electoral votes.  Thats it!.  We will live with the results and with the decisions made by this administration.  Republicans have won the Senate and maybe the House.  The SCOTUS is stacked with a conservative majority.  More reproductive rights may well be on the chopping block. 

I truly fear for our republic with this new leadership.  More rights will probably be eroded.  Well established environmental concerns will be tossed out.  Criminals that stormed the Capitol and caused the deaths of officers will receive clemency.  And there will be more.

I am an American truly disappointed by the choice that was made.  That being stated, I have to move forward in a moral direction, care for the humanity that surrounds me, having empathy (which will now probably be illegal) for those in need  regardless of their ethnicity, gender, age or national origin.  

Empathy is the only currency that matters.

thats it

all for now.

Thursday, November 7, 2024

The Outcome

It's the next day.  I have gone thru the stages of shock, grief and on to despair and resignation.  I raked leaves all day yesterday to help relieve some of the hostility I was feeling.  Our president elect is a convicted felon.  Let that sink in for awhile.  The hope ship has sailed away.  We can't even say, give the guy a chance, maybe he has changed.  We know who and what he is.  It makes me shudder to think of the condition of our republic in four years.  

Kamala will do her duty and force a smile to provide the peaceful transfer of power as called for in the Constitution January of next year.  She called him to congratulate him on his victory and concede the election.  She is a person of great honor as is the current sitting President.  Remember 2020?, no concession, no congratulations and no attendance at the Inauguration.  He has never even said he lost the election.  

The president elect has earned a "get out of jail free" card.  All of his convictions will be expunged to be soon forgotten.  Crime does pay handily when you have money.  

I earned a nice scar on the side of my face with my last fall on the pavers.  This will be with me for the foreseeable future.  This fall was probably the worst yet.  My immediate goal is to remain upright.

More leaf raking today to combat ill feelings.

At this point, it's one foot in front of the other.

all for now


Monday, November 4, 2024


So how are we feeling on this day before the election? These blazing flowers from my neighborhood walk from yesterday.   Our area in Southfield is filed with Democratic candidate signs with Harris/Walz banners being the most prominent, not a Trump sign to be found.

He will most probably claim victory the evening of November 5th even though all the votes have not been counted.  He will call all the opposing votes that are tabulated later illegal.  His supporters will don their MAGA hats and mount  some kind of disturbance.  It will be 2020 all over again.

Am most concerned for the poll workers and their safety.  Many of these folks are seniors looking to make a few bucks and do their civic duty.  Come Tuesday, we will see how it all shakes out.

Back to Planet Fitness  for my second visit.  Need to work up to my previous weight level, getting there but not yet.  Eli forgot his sweatshirt and took mine. Despite the 50' and rain, I survived. 

And, the Lions won handily with the best season since 1956.  I was 6 years old.

all for now


Stay safe

The passage of time

 So I am moving quickly to what I consider the gateway to old age, 75 years.  Wondering what the remainder of my life will be like and remem...