Saturday, November 16, 2024

Cardio man and a workshop

Where do I begin?  I visited my cardiologist yesterday after a lengthy echocardiogram including a dye test to outline fhe perimeter of my heart,  This guy tells me I am right where I should be in terms of functionality and that everything is working well.  He told me what a mess I was back in March and the admirable status of my plumbing at this point.  I should be elated, uplifted.  He is smiling.  Judy is smiling. Why don't I feel better?  I take one drug that is a blood thinner which is costly.  He tells me that when he sees me next March it may no longer be needed.  This was the bright point of the visit. 

I attended a writers workshop last Thursday.  The site was a brewery in Oak Park called the "Dog and Pony".  It was a comfortable setting with of course beer and other beverages also available from the restaurant next door and from a food truck parked out. front.  I was the newcomer in the group and was treated politely by the organizer of the meeting.  There were about 8 people present..  The protocol was to bring copies of your stuff and read aloud for the group waiting on comments.  There was a guy of Indian decent that had written an essay about himself and his workplace,  There was a playwright who had completed a portion of his work which we all played parts in for his reading.  There was another writer of dark fantasy that I did not really understand.  

I was seated next to the organizer that acted as the moderator. Scott is a high school social studies teacher with a couple of small kids and a wife.  He warmed up and gave me some advice for the next meeting.  I told him my only writing was a frequent blog about my life and my opinions.  In the current climate, he suggested I steer clear of politics. In his experience, things get too heated to be productive.

I really liked the setting and the group and was happy to participate in the discussions.  Really don't know how good I am at this, maybe too amateurish, maybe too revealing.  It was nice to drive myself even in the dark, feeling a new sense of freedom not felt in a while.

I have to present for the next outing.  We will see.

all for now


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