Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Misplaced Refuse

So today, I  woke up after sleeping more than usual.  I took the garbage to the curb, which is one of my jobs.  We were recently warned under threat of citation,  by the city to not have our city provided refuse containers in front of the house and that they needed to be put along side of the property, in the back or in the garage.  This warning came as an official letter on city stationery, signed by an official.  While it was a little disappointing,  we complied and placed the containers in the garage, truly a major crime.

Going to Planet Fitness soon to try and smooth out some of the kinks in my body.  Shoulders are still very stiff from all the falls in the past months.  Lifting straight in front of my body is still painful.  Some movements are still ok.  This is now my new reality.  I suppose it is part of the aging process.  

Trying to get past the horrors of the incoming administration.  Need something else to think about to escape all the negative feelings.  While Stephen is getting all the laughs from his new appointments, those of us trenched in this situation, are shuddering to think of the future.  TV is our primary source of info and entertainment.  I am weary of seeing him and all of his selected minions.  Some are sexual predators all proclaiming their innocence.  These will be our newly appointed officials.  All crimes and indiscretions will be forgotten, buried in some lost memory.

At the writers workshop coming up, I will read a blog or two for appraisal by the group.  I am nervous to be critiqued.  Most of my readers have been friends from Facebook and generally supportive.  Am I a hack? or amateurish? or poor at basic grammar?  Do I write for myself or for an audience? Am as clever as I think?

It's raining here.  And the dim days of fall are upon us.  Harry and his partner are in their beds on the couch.  Stephanie is doing wash.  Judy is back from the kids after a traffic jammed trip to school.

all for now

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