Friday, November 8, 2024

last statement

 The President assured that there would be a peaceful transfer of power next year as the Constitution calls for.  This election clearly showed the will of the people to elect the person they thought best for the job.  He had a clear majority and all the needed electoral votes.  Thats it!.  We will live with the results and with the decisions made by this administration.  Republicans have won the Senate and maybe the House.  The SCOTUS is stacked with a conservative majority.  More reproductive rights may well be on the chopping block. 

I truly fear for our republic with this new leadership.  More rights will probably be eroded.  Well established environmental concerns will be tossed out.  Criminals that stormed the Capitol and caused the deaths of officers will receive clemency.  And there will be more.

I am an American truly disappointed by the choice that was made.  That being stated, I have to move forward in a moral direction, care for the humanity that surrounds me, having empathy (which will now probably be illegal) for those in need  regardless of their ethnicity, gender, age or national origin.  

Empathy is the only currency that matters.

thats it

all for now.

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