Saturday, October 26, 2024

The Gridiron

Went to my first HS football game in many years last night.  It was the Royal Oak Ravens vs. Clawson Trojans at home.  Grandson Eli plays in the marching band and we had front row seats for the game. I don't exactly know how but he plays the electric bass standing with the marimbas and the xylophones.  And he played cymbals for part of the performance.  Royal Oak prevailed over their opponents 21-7.  All I can say is that they all looked like babies to me age wise, and could be my grandchildren.  It was the last game of the season and Senior night with parents proudly standing with their soon graduates on the field durning half time.  The playing surface is now artificial turf with bright markings, a far cry from the muddy terrain of my days.  

I am bundled up in a down jacket and hat.  My blood moves much slower than it used to.  Little girls were parading by in tee shirts and jeans; boys were in shorts and sneakers.  Both were immune to the falling temperatures with both genders wanting to be noticed.

Andrew drove with Stephanie by his side.  Judy and I were in the back seat.  It was dark and chilly.  It brought back a memory for me of my childhood.  My parents Dorothy and Ed made many visits to his brother Bill and wife Bonnie when Joan and I were kids.  They always played card, (a fifties pastime), we played with our cousins, staying out of the way.  There were snacks and drinks for all.  When the evening was over at about 11,  we were loaded up in the station wagon to head home from Dearborn.  Falling asleep from the rocking of the car and the sound of the engine was one of my happiest memories.  There was usually something to cover up with and I felt safe and secure and tranquil as I nodded off to sleep.  Riding in the back seat tonight, I had the same feelings.

My driving adventures are growing. With the newly installed backup camera functioning perfectly, I took my maiden voyage solo to Trader Joes for a shopping trip and was quite successful.  Things are becoming more normal.

Time to make some eggs for breakfast.  I guess there is no point in worrying about this election.  My vote has been cast.  We will have to endure another 10 days of political ads.  It is quite tiresome.

thats it

all for now

stay safe


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