Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Repairs and regained mobility

Going to have coffee with old friend Tom Cameron this morning, driving myself to get there.  It's getting easier, am more confident.  This is the culmination of a long journey toward recovery.  It started in March with major heart repair and subsequent strokes.  I had numerous therapies over the course of the next four months.  To be truthful, I never thought I would regain my driving privileges.  The confidence in my abilities was waining.  Judy started me out slowly with her in tandem in the beginning.  Not ever being a person with great directional ability, even what I had was off.  That too is rebuilding.

Like many, I am worried about the outcome of the upcoming election.  Harris/Walz seems to still have some momentum, but there are underlying factors that cannot be ignored.  Are we ready for a woman president?  I know I am.  I was ready for Hilary and she won the popular vote by 2.8 million votes only to be defeated by the electoral college system that is in place.  The opponent is a convicted felon.  It seems to me that should rule out his candidacy.  It does not.  I worry about the older citizens that honorably work on the election process tabulating the votes.  These folks could be subject to violence and threats of violence.  This used to be a cake job for a senior to earn a couple of bucks, no more. I think my mom was an election worker at some point.

Our southern border is a mess.  Still, migrants from oppressive countries are ready to risk their lives and lives o their families to come here regardless of the hardships they may face.  That fact is not leaving us.  The United States is still seen as a haven for safety that is lacking in their home countries.  There is not a single sentence solution to this problem if morality prevails.  

Gonna climb down off my soapbox

all for now

stay safe


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