Wednesday, October 23, 2024


So I have completed my AARP Senior Driving course as of yesterday.  It was well taught and I learned a few new bits of info about driving.  If you are like me, a senior, you might profit from this course.  It is a good refresher and introduction to the changes in roads and laws since I learned to drive in 1966. The collection of participants was a wide range of individuals from the reasonably mobile and alert to some that could not remember what was said from minute to minute.  It was taught at the Southfield Parks and Recreation center, a massive place with many features.  This town has a city center that is like a city unto itself.  Gonna start driving today.  The first trip will be to the grocery store.  

Saw my dear friend Irene on Sunday for a visit enjoying the pleasant day on our less than perfect patio.  As always, we ruminated about politics and the upcoming election.  We both have about the same views.  

Tomorrow, the car is getting repaired.  A while ago, the screen that provides needed information  and the backup camera failed and needed to be replaced. While the vehicle is still operational, all the needed features from this screen have been absent.  I need all the tools I can get.  You become accustomed to these wrenches and screwdrivers of driving and it's difficult to retreat to your old ways of operating.

Our wonderful pal Angelo the plumber repaired the faucet on our shower at no cost yesterday.  It should work fine for the near future.  Replacement ultimately will be costly.  

Judy is getting up for her kid  transport and I have to think of something for breakfast.  It is late start Wednesday for the kids so they got to sleep in for another hour.

Thats it for today

stay safe

all for now


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