Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Tree Trimming at OxfordTowers


There is a crew trimming our trees at the penitentiary today.  We have been waiting for this to occur for about 3 years. All the residents were entertained with the activity.   I had a good session at cardiac rehab today and they reviewed my weight training with some tips for improvement.  

I loaded my plethora of pills in their respective containers for next week.  Had a nice visit with Rose and Janine at Monarch Market and Cafe in Huntington Woods today.  It's a lovely setting for outside conversation with coffee and treats.  

Took Harry for a long walk in the neighborhood 

that he thoroughly enjoyed. 

It's the next day.  Did my morning exercise routine in the quiet morning.  Feeling quite well aside from my sore shoulder which is improving along with my range of motion.  

Judy has doctor appointments next week and I am going to arrange to take the senior bus to my Tuesday morning rehab.  It will be a new adventure for me.  Kind of looking forward to this freedom option.  

The trial of the former is now over and the case is in the hands of the jury.  It has been my contention all along that he will suffer no consequences in this matter.  The whole thing has been a huge expense to the taxpayers will turn out to be a campaign ploy for the upcoming election.  

The day looks pretty nice and I am going to enjoy it.  I have been a real dullard lately with few opinions to express.  

all for now
stay safe

Monday, May 20, 2024

International Conversation

Had a good conversation with my Hungarian cousins via FB Messenger yesterday morning.  Learned about their form of social welfare and differing cost of living there vs. here.  Bela, one of my 2nd cousins lived and worked outside of Boston for 5 years and could offer the comparison.  He also filled me in on Viktor Orhan, their president for the last 18 years.  It seems that he was the guy that ousted the Russians from the country in 1990.  Their occupation had begun in 1956.  He was seen as a hero and is still seen so by the older generation.  Of late, he as sought alliances with China and other communist countries and he basically owns all the media.   Not thought well of as before,  he has stranglehold on power in the country and shows no sigh of abating.  It is interesting to hear first hand of the political dynamics of another country rather than thru the media filter.   And we discussed family matters, how kids and grandkid were doing and dishes and the gardening experience in Melbourne.  All in all it was quite pleasant.  

My Marie went to her first 7th grade dance Friday.  Doesn't she look lovely?  I remember my 7th grade dance, summoning up the courage to ask a girl to dance with me,  the little, friendly fat guy.  There was a boy that mustered up all the courage he had to ask to hold her hand for a minute.  The request was declined.  I was that guy and I too got declined.  If you weren't cool and were short and not the best looking, confidence was in short supply.  He will get over it and try again.  But I remember being absolutely smitten by a young lady, terrified to take to her over come by my own short comings. 

Judy and Stephanie went to Trader Joes for a shopping trip this morning and I have charge of the brother and sister Sweetums and Harry. They are quite comfortable on the couch.  These two will be living together in the new dwelling.  They are quite comfortable together.

Completed both seasons of Reacher on Prime, really good and worth watching. Am viewing Fallout, a post apocalyptic series.  I love shows that are in that setting.  Walton Coggins is one of the main characters.  Some might hate it, kind of brutal but it's my cup of tea, also on Prime.

Have to regroup for my exercises today and complete my steps for the day.

thats it

all for now

stay safe. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Up all night

 Had a pretty decent day yesterday.  Got a new debit card (someone took themselves to the movies on my old one on Sunday).  did a little grocery shopping and tried a new low sugar sports drink. Drank about half of it yesterday afternoon, found it too sweet to my liking ultimately discarding the rest.  This beverage was so jam packed with caffeine,  I did not sleep even one wink last night.  So if you are sensitive to such things, steer clear of this one.  

Did make a tasty shrimp dish for dinner with stuff I had in stock.  Doing more food prep, trying to eat healthier. 

Viewed Unfrosted, the Jerry Seinfeld work about the creation of pop tarts (very fictionalized).  I has all his comedian buddies as costars.  It's a little stupid at times but lots of sixties references that I could get.  If you are of a certain age, check it out, on Netflix.  I particularly like that he included Tom Carvel (of ice cream fame in NJ/Ny)  He always seemed like a characature of himself in the commercials, also featured Peter Dinklege clean shaven.  

Back to my pal Mia for Cardiac Rehab this morning.  Feel a little less bleary after having some breakfast.  Weather should cooperate today although a little cooler.

Not much else

all for now 

stay safe

Friday, May 10, 2024

Too many doctor visits

It was a lovely day yesterday around here.  Took this out of the car window while waiting for Marie to get out of school.  Not bad today, not as nice.  And it's the next day.  Feeling pretty good and energetic for the morning.  Have more doctor visits scheduled for today.  It seems that the only outings I go on are therapy, doctor appts, and trips to the grocery store.  At this point, life is not too interesting.  
It is quiet here in Berkley with the sun coming out at 6:40.  I hear a little traffic outside and the birdies are serenading the neighborhood.  

No one is up besides me at this point.  Made eggs for breakfast, which were ok but not great.  Have some frozen scampi shrimp to make for dinner tonight with some leetle potatoes.  

Friend Donna Spano from NJ sent me a get well card and lovely message yesterday, caught me by surprise.  Her late husband Nunzio is a guy I truly miss from our Cape May adventures. It is nice to be remembered.  She is a sweetheart. 

Everett completed preschool, now headed to kindergarten.  We have no more babies.  I am so pleased and proud of him.  He will make a great student.  Speaking of which, the traveling 8th graders are back from our nations capital.  Eli had a great time and hopefully he learned a few things along the way.  Had Marie out to lunch Wednesday.  She is a delight.  

Feeling ambitious, will do some cleaning today
all for now
stay safe

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Current events

After at major heart event on March 5th and 2 falls that resulted in hospitalizations, as of today May 6th,  I feel like I have a future.  Adjustments still need to be made,  but I can see a path forward.  

Shannons 36th birthday was celebrated yesterday with cake and pizza in the apartment.  She had a great visit with her pals downstairs beforehand.  I made the cake which was pretty good and she had a great day.

This is a photo of the cronies in the lobby from Saturday.  It is indeed a motley crew.

Eli and the 8th grade from ROMS embarked on their trip to Washington DC.  All were excited but sleepy at the 430am departure. 

It's the next day and I am feeling pretty not bad.  Going to Cardiac Rehab to see my friend Mia to put my endurance to the test on the NuStep device.  Always trying to move toward not being the broken guy in need of repair.  

I fear for our republic.  With our president supporting the war effort in the Middle East by funding the ambitions of Israel's current prime minister and his ardent right wing supporters,

I don't see how he can defeat the Republican nominee in November.   We have all seen the news reports of death and destruction in Gaza,  the children being killed and starved.  That being said,  it throws the door open for a Republican victory. 

 I really don't care if he had a fling with Stormy while Melania was giving birth to Barron.  The 130K payout is as significant as the fines imposed for contempt of court which amount to 10K,  parking meter change for the defendant.  

What really looms large is that he won't accept the results of the election unless he wins and the possibility that SCOTUS may find that a president cannot be prosecuted for any crime while in office.  In our country, no one is supposed to be above the law.  

I know, too much ranting.

all for now
stay safe

The passage of time

 So I am moving quickly to what I consider the gateway to old age, 75 years.  Wondering what the remainder of my life will be like and remem...