Had a good conversation with my Hungarian cousins via FB Messenger yesterday morning. Learned about their form of social welfare and differing cost of living there vs. here. Bela, one of my 2nd cousins lived and worked outside of Boston for 5 years and could offer the comparison. He also filled me in on Viktor Orhan, their president for the last 18 years. It seems that he was the guy that ousted the Russians from the country in 1990. Their occupation had begun in 1956. He was seen as a hero and is still seen so by the older generation. Of late, he as sought alliances with China and other communist countries and he basically owns all the media. Not thought well of as before, he has stranglehold on power in the country and shows no sigh of abating. It is interesting to hear first hand of the political dynamics of another country rather than thru the media filter. And we discussed family matters, how kids and grandkid were doing and dishes and the gardening experience in Melbourne. All in all it was quite pleasant. My Marie went to her first 7th grade dance Friday. Doesn't she look lovely? I remember my 7th grade dance, summoning up the courage to ask a girl to dance with me, the little, friendly fat guy. There was a boy that mustered up all the courage he had to ask to hold her hand for a minute. The request was declined. I was that guy and I too got declined. If you weren't cool and were short and not the best looking, confidence was in short supply. He will get over it and try again. But I remember being absolutely smitten by a young lady, terrified to take to her over come by my own short comings.
Judy and Stephanie went to Trader Joes for a shopping trip this morning and I have charge of the brother and sister Sweetums and Harry. They are quite comfortable on the couch. These two will be living together in the new dwelling. They are quite comfortable together.
Completed both seasons of Reacher on Prime, really good and worth watching. Am viewing Fallout, a post apocalyptic series. I love shows that are in that setting. Walton Coggins is one of the main characters. Some might hate it, kind of brutal but it's my cup of tea, also on Prime.
Have to regroup for my exercises today and complete my steps for the day.
thats it
all for now
stay safe.