Sunday, February 4, 2024

Thinking back


Thinking back to one year ago.  It was our third day in Carrabelle and it was the first time I recalled being awakened by the crow of a rooster at about 5 in the morning.  That sound did not bother me and on succeeding days, I looked forward to it.  

Today Judy is working on Shannon's beauty treatment and Lion King just finished.  Not doing any work on the house today.  I am going go focus on food prep.  Have lots of ingredients and just have to put them together.

We worked on the house yesterday organizing the tools and painting supplies.  The is existing pegboard in one room of the basement and we affixed screwdrivers, hammers and paint brushes.  Judy is the master of this kind of thing.  She groups like items togeher and has a logic to every step.  Harry her father had a garage the looked like the tool department at Sears.  All the wrenches were in the proper order.  One could see the line and the balance of the display.  It was truly a thing of beauty and nothing like my father's tool collection tossed in boxes and into drawers. Harry's hoses were even perfect unlike my tangled mess.

In one of my classic moves yesterday, I bashed my head on a shelf ringing my chimes and putting a nice hole in my scalp.  Felt stupid.  My talents are falling short in tool work. Lack of vision, balance and reduced dexterity all play a role.  Also, really out of practice.   

We have a blue skies morning today.  The sun is shining in Berkley

all for now

stay safe

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