Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Dishwasher Event

Laundry and breakfast are complete.  Temps are supposed to be moderate.  We are taking Harry for a visit to the vet this morning for his annual appraisal and shots.  These are grasses at the zoo in season some time last year.

A father and son team came to deliver and install the new dishwasher at the residence.  It became evident that the unit being removed was installed by amateurs.  These guys struggled to extricate the machine from its location.  But, they got is done.  The sparkling new machine was moved in and it was slightly too large to fit.  To their great credit they managed to install the machine correctly.  The countertop had to be momentarily be lifted to accomplish this.  I cannot say enough about the hard work they put in to get this up and running.  This guy may be a candidate to install our downstairs kitchen when we are ready.  

Also today, the new register covers and cold air returns will be installed by Royal Oak Heating and Cooling.  These seemingly simple devices have proved to be our biggest challenge.  We removed the old, paint filled, banged up ones and cast them off.  We thought the new ones from Ace Hardware would fit perfectly measuring the outside dimensions but not the inside.  Wrong! The inside dimensions are the defining factor.  Anyway, patience is shot and we bit the bullet and the "professionals"are doing the job.  Sometimes it's just what you have to do.

Always loved red.  Red shirts, jackets and others are my go to color.  Got a new red sweatshirt from Amazon.  Wanted to wash it before wearing to wash out the sizing.  Even though colors are more color fast than before , I reluctantly threw it in with today's laundry with that little voice in the back of my head telling me it was a bad idea.  The result was not as dire as I imagined.  Only one item came back pinky,  a tee shirt of mine.

Terribly exciting today I know. 
thats it
all for now 
stay safe

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