Saturday, February 10, 2024

Carwash in the driveway

Did my first driveway carwash in about 3 years this past Thursday.  It was in the fifties and the sun was filtering thru the clouds.  The former owner left behind an expandable hose that worked just fine.  The new house provided the worksite.  Can't say I felt like a kid again but did feel accomplished.

The vehicle was pretty revolting both inside and out with the seasons leavings and as a bonus, I found my favorite reading glasses under the front drivers seat.  

Judy is continuing to create the perfect display of hand tools from three collections, mine, Andrew's and Stephanie's.  The kids rooms are completed and spots are being located for the large collection of stuff that has been amassed.  We measured the downstairs space to determine the cost of flooring.  Starting to move toward creating our own space.

Friend Janine took this photo at sunrise last Thursday and captured the perfect moment.  I had to share it. 

So the president is forgetful.  There is no denying this fact.  With all his short comings, he is still a better choice.  Frankly, all that stuff in his garage from 10 years ago is probably out dated and has been superseded.  

So yesterday Eli took his inaugural bike ride around the neighborhood.  Visited one of his classmates that also lives there.  She twisted her ankle or something like it and had to go to urgent care with her mom.  We met them all.  The mom was a sweetheart and I hope she is all right.  

Thats it,  it's a Shannon overnite tonight and we will be watching B and the B first thing tomorrow.   Re: Super Bowl 58 - I really don't care who wins!

stay safe

all for now


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