Wednesday, March 15, 2023

A Return Role

Saw the return of Felicity Huffman to network last night in an episode of The Good Doctor  streamed on Hulu.  She did a yeoman's job in her portrayal of a crafty lawyer.  She appeared quite thin to me.  The story involved Shawn in a mal practice lawsuit and her employee defending him who suffers from extreme OCD.  So you have a character with ASD and her interacting extensively.  His character brings unique insights to her dilemma.  

Those with knowledge of popular culture will note that in her personal life she was recently involved in the purchase of doctored test scores for her daughter's college entry.  She paid her price to society which included a fine and limited incarceration.  She fully admitted to her wrongdoing publicly.  So, a crime was committed,  and punishment was meted out.  I was pleased to see that the industry that she belongs to allowed her to move forward. 

Do we as a society have the ability to move forward after a grievance has been acknowledged and punished?  I am not talking about heinous crimes like murder or molestation.  I am pleased that the producers of this episode showed the courage to cast Ms. Huffman.

Moving forward after redress is sometimes tough to swallow.  Society does not really forgive sins.  There will always be someone in the background saying "remember when she/he did this?"  Back when Joe Biden was making his first presidential run in 1988,  I spoke to my old boss AJ Conniff about him.  He said "Biden the plagerist?"  I was not familiar with the speech he borrowed from or that he admitted it and owned up to his mistake.  Should he have been cast into history's dustbin, or move forward?

So that is today's morality play.  Lots of activities in our household today.  Should be an exciting day.

Had to borrow one of the Carrabelle sunsets this morning.

all for now

stay safe

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