Thursday, March 16, 2023


I wake up early as usual, climb out of bed, move to the couch, grab my smartphone and start scrolling.  I do this endlessly for about an hour.  I don't know what I am looking for actually. This pointless activity has become a ritual, an addiction and a brain softener.  It is a mushy balm to the beginning of the day.  This does not make me a happier person only one that continues to search.

Leaving my dwelling, it must be attached to my person alt all times.  Not getting any calls for the most part and those that come in are bullshit from some area code I have never been to or contacted.  Occasionally i will plug the device in putting it in another room.  But I have to look at it to see if anything is new.  This device becomes the ultimate time filler.  Is that what we need in our lives a time filler?

In purpose, it is good to have for Pandora music or YouTube videos of bands I miss never scene in concert.  Other than scrolling, scrolling, scrolling, this thing which is a window on the digital world is only a continuous habit that interrupts sleep, meaningful conversation and relationships.  

Our attention span is shortened.  You start an article but don't complete it because of loss of entertainment value to you.  So you move to the next one only to have the same experience.  On FB you receive friend suggestions from people from all over the country and the world for that manner, and continue to scroll thru them in hopes of seeing someone you once knew, usually to no avail.

I think all this scrolling contributes to depression,, because you find no fulfillment thru this practice, only more seeking.

Sometimes I wish we still had the phones that just made calls, not a window on the world. 

thats it, 

all for now

stay safe


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