Monday, March 13, 2023

A New Page


Today begins with another blank sheet of paper for my life.  It's a new year with new aspirations for myself and my family.  Eli informed my yesterday that he want to be a percussionist in band next year.  We will store the historic clarinet for another grand kid to try, maybe Paxton or Everett. 

I want to thank all the sent birthday wishes to me, lifting my spirits for the day.  Many of these folks are voices from my past.  It was nice to be acknowledged.  Judy's collage of photos was a look at our history and it brought back lots of memories. I share this day with James Taylor. He is 75 this year and still in fine voice and quite articulate.

It was a thrill to see Brendan Fraser win the best actor Oscar for The Whale .  He has had his share of struggles in recent times.  His redemption was due.  Very happy for him.

Harry made a new friend with Andrew's friend Stephanie.  There was an instant bond and Judy captured the moment.  He felt quite at home with her and her calm demeanor along with the fact that she has a little dog that he could probably sense.

Jon sent a nice little video of his boys singing and dancing happy birthday to Poppy.  Have not been able to get is from the phone to the computer however.  Miss these guys and should see them soon.

Heading back to Planet Fitness today after pizza and Judy's delicious  cake which aside from one small piece, was all consumed yesterday.  

You know, some times I feel 53 and sometimes I feel 93.  It depends on the day, the weather, current events or simple aches and pains.  There  are folks I care about that have their struggles, much greater than mine.  It's better to focus on these people rather than myself and life's foibles.  

All for now
stay safe

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