Thursday, March 9, 2023

A Band Concert

Every year, the city of Royal Oak has their All City Band Concert.  There used to be 3 middle schools and 2 high schools.  With all the demographic changes, now only one middle school and one high school.  My dear grandson Elijah is in the beginner band this year.  The group of about 50 played straight forward tunes in 4/4 and all were in tune.  Even though there was a large battery of B flat clarinets and the players had limited experience, there were no squeaks to be heard.  The directors gave precise beats and rhythms from their batons and smiled with encouragement  at their charges.  I remember playing that same clarinet in the 6th and 7th grade and sharing a music stand with my band mates.  I always loved music, maybe this was the beginning of it.  Players learn not only notes but time signature,  how to count,  basic scales, embouchure and how to watch the conductor and their music at the same time.  There is a lot that goes into playing these simple tunes.  They did great.

There was a high school Jazz Band that played Count Basie and more modern music, complete with drum kit, electric bass, and piano.  The director only starts them, then walks off.  It was most impressive to see a young  player stand up and play an improvised solo on their instrument.  Maybe for only 8 bars, but they owned the stage.  You need the lungs of a lion to play the baritone saxophone.  There was a kid that took a solo on that beast of an instrument and did a fine job. 

So the concert was over, all the parents and grandparents stood and cheered.  The instructors and band directors thanked everyone for coming.  We met Eli in the hallway.  I got to see his braced up smile which was beautiful.  He looked at me and said "Poppy, I saw you in the audience and you really looked old!", one of my favorite honest comments from him.  Judy pointed out that it was probably my new beard which is as white as Santa's.  He agreed.  Appearing old is one of my most sought after attributes.  

Thats it.

all for now

stay safe

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