Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Good Directions

Well, the grandmas came back from Grand Rapids and the first day send off of Paxton.  Eli and Marie had grand days for their first days at the middle school.  Paxton told his mom that he was having too much fun to miss them and he will be buying his own lunch at school  in that they have peanut butter and jelly and mom will not need to worry about lunch ever again.  His new school issued credit card will facilitate.  

My job yesterday was to pick up Judy from Jon's in laws in White Lake when she had returned.  Now, please know that I am a straight road, grid accustomed driver.  Traversing on winding roads around a variety of lakes is way out of my comfort zone.  So I hook up to the GPS on the Ford Sync system, plug in the address and I am off,  quite pleased with myself that I have mastered the use of this device.  I am not the best at technology.  

Having been at their home a few times, I know it to be an attractive single level condo in a very beige neighborhood.  The 80's/90's were the era of beige and medium brown for homes.  I am traveling along feeling quite confident in my directions,  but not going to a system of condos.  Perplexed but still moving forward,  the system tells me I have arrived at a home.  It is vaguely familiar in shape and size along with the lakeside setting.  Hmmmm.  I call her and say somethings not right.  The light bulb pops.  It turns out that i am at their former home due to an old address, and communicate this to her and she is to be delivered to this location.  

So I am sitting there looking like I don't belong.  The current owner notices me and asks if I am lost.  I tell her my story and and we have a good laugh while she is explaining the renovations they made on the house.

Katey came over last night for dinner of lemon/mushroom pasta and she and Judy decided to view the 2021 version of West Side Story.  It was good, but the second viewing did not spark memories like when we saw it in the movies.  When I was a boy, my first listening to a grownup recording was the music of the 1959 version of the story.  It was played on the stereo of my uncle , one of those with the horizontal sliding wooden door to reveal the turntable.  Those songs still resonate with me.

(a new bike station in Berkley)

its off to Planet Fitness this morning

all for now

stay safe

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