Thursday, September 15, 2022

Gainful Employment and more

The school year is in full swing after a week.  Marie and Eli seem to be enjoying their experiences at middle school both happy to go and happy when they come out.  My dilemma in providing the dinner has been solved by me laying out the components and them actually putting them all together.  The two can assemble when they are hungry and the stress is much lower.  I needed to learn to relax, sometimes not so easy.

Saw an interesting visitor outside their apartment building yesterday morning in the dark, a grey possum. I looked out the window of the lobby and he was ambling by minding his own business paying me no mind.  It was just a surprise.  These guys are useful creatures eating insects and other pests really bothering no one. in other creature news, we have had a dove sitting on a branch outside our building hardly moving from his spot for about 5 days.  Doesn't seem to be ill and has consumed bird seed that has been left.  Don't really know what's going on with this bird.

I got a job.  Amazing to me that I can make that statement.  Last week I prepared a brief resume and marched down Coolidge Hwy  documents in hand and offered my services to some of the nearby retailers that are in walkable distance.  Lo and behold,  the owner of Camelot Cleaners called, and  went in for an interview.  We hit is off, was well received and I start my counter clerk position next Tuesday.

Sadly, we lost a friend and resident here this week, Andrew Grimes.  He was a wonderful man that was a long time volunteer at Wing Lake Development Center and knew Shannon well.  He lit up when she was here for a visit and she remembered him as well.  I took him to the dentist a couple of times.  He really had no family and only a close neighbor friend  that looked out for him.  He will be missed around here.

Programing Reviews

5 Days at Memorial  It's difficult to find the correct words to sum up this drama based on the floods of New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina based on the occurrences at Baptist Memorial Hospital in the first five days after the storm and the breaking of the levees.  It shows in dramatic  portrayal the abject failures of all governmental and corporate systems to assist the victims of this tragedy.  This is another time we have to squarely look at recent history and no matter how ugly it is, face it.  Available on Apple+.

Chefs Table: Pizza I love this show.  I love pizza period.  It has made me happy, fat, fulfilled, given me comfort,  heartburn, overwhelming guilt for over eating and joy with every bite. This is a series on Netflix showing passionate pizza makers from a variety of places, making the pies in their own style.  All have unique personalities.  Some you could identify with and some not.  Makes me want to get get a ball of dough and create.

Good day at Planet Fitness and a successful visit at the doctor yesterday. 

all for now
stay safe


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