Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Pleasant market

Near where we used to reside on Millard St. in Royal Oak lies a small market called Oasis Gourmet Cuisine, providing prepared Mediterranean cuisine as well as staple good used in this style of cooking.  It is run by a husband and wife team of certain years.  The store has been in this location for over thirty years, very low key probably earning most of their living from supplying restaurants and like emporiums.  They make a wonderful Chicken Shawarma sandwich that I went in for lunch today.  Never have I been greeted and appreciated like this place.  You would have thought I was buying food for a wedding, but alas, only a 6 buck sandwich.  I felt like I was buying from an Aunt and Uncle.  If you are in the area, find this place.

Sweating taking Harry for a brief walk this afternoon and remembering that about 3 weeks ago, I was freezing with the gale force wind blowing.  I think spring was about 3 days in 2022.  Oh well, that's Michigan.

Was nearly clobbered by a lady backing out next to me at the middle school this morning.  I tooted but had to remember how, since I rarely us the horn.  I am usually yelling thru the closed window which makes no since.

My darling Katey saved some baby squirrels whose tails were tangled in a chain link fence at her apartment yesterday.  Put on protective gloves and went to work getting the tails un twisted.  Set them free and back to their mama.  Bravo daughter!

Back at PF now.  Can get all the machines in about 35 minutes.  Its amazing the muscle groups you don't use, only to discover your lack of strength in those areas.  I have to abandon my most favorite food, pizza.  All the carbs drive up my numbers consistently.  It has become my favorite cheapo lunch on my way to take care of Apollo.  Need to find a better alternative that will make me happy as a food driven person.

Marie's soccer team won their first game last night.  She did a yeoman's job playing goalkeeper in the first half.  No timid or polite girl in sight.  I think this will be the position for her.  She barks out the name of her intended receiver when she throws out of the box and can anticipate what is coming at her.  Her inner Aunt Katey is coming out.

Last day for kids this week.  Giving blood next Tuesday.  Hopefully will have a more skilled blood drawer.  

Enjoy the beautiful weather

all for now

stay safe


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