Friday, May 13, 2022

Morning has broken


Trying to see the light of the new day.  Everyday is a new beginning for me.  Trying to be positive and have a fresh outlook on my world.  Outside the birdies are singing and the morning sun is brightening the sky.  Going to PF this morning and taking care of Apollo.  He is the one breathing creature that is always thrilled to see me.  He yelps with joy as I enter the room.  I really feel for people that are dragging themselves thru life. There are many here that completely live in the past seeing no future other than fear of Covid, anticipating their next meals-on-wheels lunch, never leaving their dwellings to feel the wind and the sun on their faces. 

Nothing really to report about today.  Kids are well, and I am thinking about the stuff I have to go thru in the next couple of weeks.  I hate dealing with the medical profession because the see my as an old man with growing limitations.  Soon will see my primary care physician for my annual physical.  While I am not looking forward to my results,  I will accept them and reinvent myself yet again in the interest of moving forward.

Strangely in a good mood today.  Don't know why, had a definite deficit in sleep last evening.  However growing increasingly disgusted with politics, politicians and our so called leaders pushing us backward, eliminating rights and privileges held dear by many.  Screaming about inflation and the price of gas will not make either go down.  The corporations that seem to own us are making record profits and their owners are building their piles of money. With guys like Musk and Bezos, I have to ask the question,  how much do you need? More spaceships and bigger yachts seems to be their latest acquisitions. 

I am done bitching

but still in a good mood

all for now

stay safe


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