Sunday, May 15, 2022

Food Shortage

Baby Formula...

There is no time for a Senate Select Committee to open a discussion on the shortages, lasting for weeks or months.  Babies need food, NOW!. Mothers are stressing out driving to multiple retailers on the hunt for food for their babies.  Lots of f*cking news stories about their frustration and running all over town.  Biden and his team are offering a website with tips on finding this needed food.  This is one time he has abjectly failed to help the nation.  This is a national crisis and it has become a mere footnote on the news.  All the while the news readers are flapping their gums, babies are looking to be fed.   The National Defense Act was enacted to authorize the manufacture and or purchase of supplies for protecting against Covid.  Included in which was N95 respirators and gloves.  Why cannot this be considered a similar crisis?  Has Congress moved on this subject?  Have the manufactures had nothing to say?  What in fact is the problem, supply chain? or a shortage of raw materials? or stuck on ships at sea? Thus far, only one company Perrigo says that the shortages will extend to the end of the year.  This is simply unacceptable.  The pro-choice protestors, as justified as they may be,  should look this problem in the face as well as the conditions are more immediate.  

One question, have you ever listened to a hungry baby?  It is a cry that torments the soul.

This whole circumstance is a complete outrage

that's it

all for now

stay safe


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