Thursday, February 6, 2025

6 February 2025


With today's ice storm, all the schools are shuttered for the day.  Elijah and Marie are still nestled in their beds and Judy is yet to arise.  I am here drinking my first cup of coffee and all is quiet save for the bell on Simon's collar.  He is always waiting attentively for his morning meal.  This is the only time in the day he notices me.  I like the quiet as it gives me uninterrupted time to think.  There will be no bitching today.  I am kind of out of steam with my complaints.

It will probably be a quiet day here on Concord Ct. with kids holed up in their rooms save breaks to come and eat with us.  I will probably make French toast with cinnamon for Marie.  Eli will choose a cereal.  All were wishing for a weather day, including Judy the transporter.  I am supposed to have coffee with friend Tom Cameron at nine.  We will see the road conditions at that point to decide the path forward.  

As I remember in my working days, Andrew will slog thru the weather to get to his work.  Bosses don't give many snow days.  I recall preparing to make the trip thru the weather no matter how severe. He works for Henry Ford Hospital in one of there urology departments,  He's not lifting big patients like in the OR but now is subject to a variety of human substances, most of which are unsavory.

Harry will be up soon.  I will learn the condition of the world when it put him outside for his morning ablutions.  

I bought a bag of leeeetle potatoes that will be roasted today with onions and mushrooms. I think about food too. much.  Woke up thinking about the process of cooking this dish.  

We have pretty much stopped watching Stephan Colbert.  It's all politics and nothing seems funny at this point.

Hurrah, new teeth (I know, too much information.)

thats it

all for now

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