After Apollo died last year, Katey was lost with no dog by her side. A dog can be a great companion, and at some level, a friend. and confidant. She bought a house in Roseville recently with a small enclosed yard, but something was missing. Last week she found a new friend at a shelter in the city.. This guy was wandering in the streets when he was picked up by these folks. She is fostering him at her new home. He is about a year old and full of puppy energy, He is quite the lover and is wild about her and all of us. He's very big and strong, does well with children and listens to commands. He must have been with a family because of his human connections. Frankly, he seems quite happy to be there. His new name will be Romeo, which is appropriate for his personality.
His time on the road cost him some pounds but will soon return with all he eats.
This guy could become my new best friend. Apollo would not mind me being his pal.
Judy is out with the kid duties and I am in a quiet house with Harry on the couch sleeping. Have all the dinners prepared for their arrival in a couple of hours.
Did a fair amount of errands this morning, with trips to Trader Joes, shopping a Meijers and new keys at Durst Hardware.
All in all, a pretty good day.
all for now
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