We share a lot of traits, passion, flying off the handle at times, the love of cooking and of dogs. I wish both of us were more graceful. But thats us, a matched set.
I love you.
(short one today)
We share a lot of traits, passion, flying off the handle at times, the love of cooking and of dogs. I wish both of us were more graceful. But thats us, a matched set.
I love you.
(short one today)
Listening to "Now and Then" by the re constituted Beatles on a video feed this morning reminds me that they were the bellwether of my youth. It was a very bittersweet moment seeing John and George, with images furnished by AI. As the last recording by this band, is signals the passing of my youth and hopeful feelings. I was part of the America of the 60's and their music was the sound of my times. Being 14 when they played on Ed Sullivan, I remember it being a really big night for us. We had never seen anything like this band or their music. It was raucous and in tune, but having rough edges, unlike the smooth pop songs of the time.
Paul is still kicking around playing smaller venues and making the grandchildren of his original fans happy. Ringo has put together a collection of musicians from the 70's and 80's in his All Starr band and still banging away on the drums at 84. I watch some of it on YouTube during my time on the treadmill at Planet Fitness. These master musicians keep me going.
A different subject:
Medicaid provides support for those with low income, like Shannon. She relies on it to give her a place to live, a program to attend and food in her belly. Aside from this, she has no income. Each resident at her home receives this coverage as well, and the privately owned group home is funded in large part by this program. These folks are well taken care of and the facility is regularly updated and in a good state of repair.
Please know that these citizens would have no where to go without Medicaid. They are adults and many of the parents have passed away. All the care they receive is from the staff at the home. Lose the this funding and the wheelchairs would be pushed out on the street. Most of the residents are profoundly disabled and without the ability to care for themselves. Should those in power choose to diminish this needed funding, our most vulnerable citizens, and they are citizens, would be harmed.
thats it
all for now
I have a new best friend. I feed him in the morning and for some reason, he likes my company. He was visiting me last night while we watched the SNL50 show. Simon actually comes when I motion to him.
Andrew and Stephanie have been in Orlando enjoying the weather and the environment for the last few days. They are the guests of Cory and Jon at their home. With the weather we have been enduring for the last week, they couldn't have picked a better time to leave.
We have our other lodger in Miss Sweetums with us for the duration of their trip as well. All the animals get on very well with those two lounging on the couch to wile away the hours.We watched the first two hours of the much anticipated SNL50 show. For me there were high and low points. I would say that the programs was generally entertaining but did not knock me out. Eddie Murphy's rendition of Tracy Morgan was completely spot on and killed me. A weak voiced at 83 Paul Simon was aptly assisted by Sabrina Carpenter in the opening song. As much as I have loved his music for many years, it's time to step away from performing. The Steve Martin opening monologue was adequate but the Lawrence Welk bit was a bit trying. Will Ferrell's talent were wasted on that one. I loved Nathan Lane's brief entrance but was saddened that he was placed behind a guy in a hot dog suit. Adam Sandler's song was brilliant. Chris Farley would have stole the show if he were there. This is the end of my review. I know disjointed and drawn out, but hey thats me.
All are still asleep and I have to go for some stuff at the store before we pickup the travelers. Still f*cking cold. Oh well, spring is approaching.
all for now
After Apollo died last year, Katey was lost with no dog by her side. A dog can be a great companion, and at some level, a friend. and confidant. She bought a house in Roseville recently with a small enclosed yard, but something was missing. Last week she found a new friend at a shelter in the city.. This guy was wandering in the streets when he was picked up by these folks. She is fostering him at her new home. He is about a year old and full of puppy energy, He is quite the lover and is wild about her and all of us. He's very big and strong, does well with children and listens to commands. He must have been with a family because of his human connections. Frankly, he seems quite happy to be there. His new name will be Romeo, which is appropriate for his personality.
His time on the road cost him some pounds but will soon return with all he eats.
Judy is out with the kid duties and I am in a quiet house with Harry on the couch sleeping. Have all the dinners prepared for their arrival in a couple of hours.
Did a fair amount of errands this morning, with trips to Trader Joes, shopping a Meijers and new keys at Durst Hardware.
All in all, a pretty good day.
all for now
With today's ice storm, all the schools are shuttered for the day. Elijah and Marie are still nestled in their beds and Judy is yet to arise. I am here drinking my first cup of coffee and all is quiet save for the bell on Simon's collar. He is always waiting attentively for his morning meal. This is the only time in the day he notices me. I like the quiet as it gives me uninterrupted time to think. There will be no bitching today. I am kind of out of steam with my complaints.
It will probably be a quiet day here on Concord Ct. with kids holed up in their rooms save breaks to come and eat with us. I will probably make French toast with cinnamon for Marie. Eli will choose a cereal. All were wishing for a weather day, including Judy the transporter. I am supposed to have coffee with friend Tom Cameron at nine. We will see the road conditions at that point to decide the path forward.
As I remember in my working days, Andrew will slog thru the weather to get to his work. Bosses don't give many snow days. I recall preparing to make the trip thru the weather no matter how severe. He works for Henry Ford Hospital in one of there urology departments, He's not lifting big patients like in the OR but now is subject to a variety of human substances, most of which are unsavory.
Harry will be up soon. I will learn the condition of the world when it put him outside for his morning ablutions.
I bought a bag of leeeetle potatoes that will be roasted today with onions and mushrooms. I think about food too. much. Woke up thinking about the process of cooking this dish.
We have pretty much stopped watching Stephan Colbert. It's all politics and nothing seems funny at this point.
Hurrah, new teeth (I know, too much information.)
thats it
all for now
Elon Musk seems to be running the government. This guy has never been elected to any post and yet the president has given him free rein to make huge monetary decisions. And yet, no congressional actor has stepped up to demand accountability. Many protections are being removed or are in line to be removed, Americans will be damaged. I am quite concerned for our republic. We are only about two weeks into this.
I apologize for being so opinionated, but in this dead of winter, my mood is quite irritable.
Is anyone going to stand up?
all for now
So we went to the performance of Matilda Jr. in Grand Rapids to see grandson Paxton in his role as Eric in the musical p.lay. This was the approximate story of a little girl with mean and obnoxious parents that attended a private school run by Miss Trunchbull. The show was a shortened version of the movie starring Danny Devito and his wife Rhea Perlman from a few years ago. The players were all about his age 8-9 years old save some of the main characters. These kids did a heart felt and masterful performance of all the songs and dialogue. Paxton put his whole heart into the show even at one point losing his composure being overwhelmed with the moment. He got a little comfort from Miss Honey and soldiered on. Needless to say, Nanny and Poppy loved the show.
We stayed with Kelly and Jon and the boys overnight and met the newest member of the family in Bow. She is a large girl of mixed breed and at 5 months old has paws so large that they put a heavy dent in your abdomen when she steps on you. A little standoffish at first, she warmed up and settled in next to us, the new visitors.
Took a fall in my hasty retreat to the car going to the performance. Face is kind of banged up. Pants were kind of bloody from a small finger wound and Judy handily removed the stains when we returned yesterday afternoon. Wrapped a long leash around my ankle and down I went at least on the grass. Still need some work on situational awareness.
Judy is working on money across from me at the kitchen table and Harry is asleep on the couch and quite comfortable.
thats it
all for now
So I am moving quickly to what I consider the gateway to old age, 75 years. Wondering what the remainder of my life will be like and remem...