Thursday, September 5, 2024

Current events

It's morning and the kids have returned.  Andrew has the day off and he is doing the morning shuttle duty.  Have decided to grow the beard back.  The initial discomfort has worn off and now it's pretty comfortable.  Judy was helping Marie with her algebra homework last evening.  Neither Andrew nor I have the capacity for these math problems.  Today the electrician is coming to complete his work.  We have power for about half of the apartment at this point.  

We had a mountain of garbage for yesterday's pickup with all the yard waste and the packaging for all the cabinetry.  Southfield's current contractor for this service picked it all up, thank goodness.  So pleased with this, I wrote to the city complementing them on this service yesterday.  

Have found use for the shelving units from our storage space from Oxford Towers.  They are ones you can disassemble and reconstruct without tools.  Have proved to be an asset as we establish this new living space.  Doing lots of climbing  in this setting.  One day my Fitbit told me I did 51 flights of stairs due to all the stuff moved from garage to apartment.  Thankfully this part of the process is almost done.  

The biggest part of the struggle of transition is finding new spots to put living equipment and then remembering  where you put it.  The space is all new. Few locations have been established.  At some point it will make some sense.  Slept poorly last night.  It affected my balance making me all off kilter.  

Well, waiting on the electrician.  He will probably not be thrilled with all the stuff thats been put away.  Hey, we live here now.  Glad to have a single address

all for now

stay safe

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