Saturday, June 22, 2024

Two Matriarchs

Joyce and Bea are the bosses of this place.  Both are routine driven and have days filled with various jobs.  Joyce is a New Yorker and Bea is from Massachusetts,  neither suffer fools kindly.  At 93 and 96 respectfully,  they get around on their own steam, look forward to sweets and good food and are happy to be alive and kicking.  They are good pals and razz each other about their foibles.  Never without an opinion,  they make the conversations lively around here.

Our construction is now commencing and our general contractor is an exacting guy.  All of his subcontractors hop to when he tells them and get back to Judy when there is a concern.  I heard about his truck/trailer where equipment is stored and transported.  Saw the inside of this yesterday and had to take a photo.  This guy could be related to Harry Reno my father in law.  Harry's garage looked like the tool display at Sears. Brian, the same thing.  

It is nearly all DeWalt power and hand tools.  I have alway been impressed with such organization not having the talent myself.  Anyway, things are going nicely.

Its going to be another hot one today but no rain in the forecast.

thats it

all for now

stay safe


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