Friday, February 16, 2024

Thus far this week

So it's about 2:30 in the morning and I cannot sleep, nothing works, change position, get a drink of ice tea, nothing.  Four am arrives, and I do double my usual stretching routine to defeat the reoccurring sciatica pain.  Do the daily blood and not too bad considering I ate a big messy burger and fries late.  This is me and Marie on our early AM Valentines date at Bread 
(Crispellies)  bakery near the school.  Eli had an early band practice and we had about 40 minutes to kill.  I had a spectacular cheese danish and she had a blueberry muffin and we had a splendid time,  a small gift to me.  This is also Miss Sweetums affixed to my lap on the same day, always lovable. 

 Judy is taking a friend to Beaumont for a procedure this morning and has left already.  Nice lady, our exercise instructor at the residence.  Hopefully all will go well and she will be back soon.

Cognitive tests, indeed, I have had one myself, most recently for my physical.  Drew a clock with the time at 2:40 and remembered three words.  Both of the candidates should be subject to these tests in my opinion.  With the advanced ages, I am concerned for our country and its futures.  

Few plans today. gonna do some cooking using the frozen shrimp in something.

Cool this morning

stay warm and safe

all for now

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