Thursday, June 15, 2023

Last Day Adventures


Do you remember the last day of school? Especially in Jr High (now middle school).  There were no more tests to study for, no  more books that were assigned reading. There was no more drama in the lunchroom with who you sat with or in gym with respect to you lack of ability in rope climb, long jump or sprints (which I was always last).  These two are moving into 7th and 8th grade respectively.  Judy and another mom are taking them on a walking adventure in downtown Royal Oak after they are let out.  Eli was most pleased with the outfit he chose for himself 

Our schedule will adjust as well with less leaving a 

a time before the bell and more relaxed timing.  We are looking forward to more time at Kensington and maybe the Riverwalk with them.  

Our young citizens attending Rogers Elementary at the end of our street are having their annual fun run thru the neighborhood today as well.  Streets are blocked off for safety. 

I love the sound of all the noise these little guys make.  It is life in all its beautiful chaos.

all for now

stay safe

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