Friday, March 24, 2023

Random Observations


First off, housing developments in fancy neighborhoods have MONUMENTS announcing the entry to their site.  The have clever and appealing names such as the new one in Katey's  area called Eden Gardens.  This name makes is sound like you should be interred there rather than dwell there happily.  These entry points sometimes have running fountains and changing lights.  Come on, this is not Disney World only the place where you hang your hat and someone's dog shits on your front lawn.  

We have always knew where we lived, by the street signs, usually green or in our case blue.  All neighborhoods are given a name by the original city planners when  the site is platted.  Ours is called University District because of all the streets named after colleges.  We don't need an edifice to announce it.  My only request for some cities is to have signs with bigger print for those of us that need the help. 

Living with only seniors has its shortfalls.  People slow down naturally and seem to do less.  We have neighbors that are being moved out because they can no longer care for themselves.  It's not their fault only the current state and a sad reality.  There are folks that seem to be putting in their time, some rarely leaving their apartments.  All the encouragement offered makes no difference. It is difficult to see people you have grown to care for crumble emotionally and physically.  There are times I wish I stayed in my house with kids and dogs and moms and babies up and down the street.  I enjoy engaging with life.  Sometimes I need to reach around and kick my own ass to get motivated.

Been enjoying recorded musical performances on YouTube recently.  Now getting too old to fight the crowds but still love live performances.  Have really enjoyed watching old guys making music for fun.  These performers really don't need the dough anymore.   Currently watching a 1/12 hr performance from the Dukes of September, a group comprised of Donald Fagan, Michael MacDonald and Boz Scaggs with a rocking ensemble behind them.  The concert is from 2012.  Seen Kenny Loggins (now 75) still singing as good as ever with Darryl Hall.  Use this service if you have it to at least partially relive your youth.

Been also thinking of magnificent singers that have left us that many youngsters have not nor care to hear about.  Let's talk about the magical voice of Jackie Wilson (Lonely Teardrops).   He stopped the show on American Bandstand.  No one has ever done him justice doing the same songs.  Roy Orbison, another wonderful voice of my youth, with tones as clear as a bell ringing,  I can still sing most of the verses of Pretty Woman.  Growing up in the Detroit area in the 60's Motown ruled the airways.  Smokey, The Temps, Marvin Gaye and the Four Tops.  Levi Stubbs singing "Sugar Pie Honey Bun" still rings in my ears.  

thats it, (I could keep on droning on)

all for now

stay safe

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