Monday, March 20, 2023

Its a Paxton Weekend

Grandson Paxton has been staying with us for this weekend. We had a chilly but fun trip to the Detroit Zoo today. The visitor population was down today with the with wind an cold temps.  He had a great time with the squawking birds with their various songs.  The penguins were also a big hit splashing around in their frigid environment.  We tried to stay at the indoor exhibits with the reptile house being the  biggest hits.  It's two days later now.  Our little guy went back to his other grandma with his parents finishing up their kitchen project.
Not too much happened yesterday,  mostly sat around watching TV and Judy helping out Eli with a computer problem.  

I took some OTC sleep aid Saturday night and woke up feeling bleary even with sleeping 8+ hours.  Did not like the feeling at all.  Much better today.

Not feeling terribly inspired today.  Off to PF today and Apollo duty in the afternoon.  Making dinner for Andrew and Stephanie tonight.  

Glad to see MSU advance and Fairleigh Dickinson beat Purdue in March Madness.  Will the former get indicted tomorrow? We will see.

Thats it
Cannot hit a home run today
all for now
stay safe.


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