Tuesday, March 21, 2023


 Dreams are the topic for today.  Been having a lot lately.  Maybe it's what I ate or meds I am on. But I am experiencing them repeatedly.  Last nights were so scary that I woke up shuddering and completely disoriented.  One was being lost in a factory with a little kid on my shoulders running aimlessly looking for the exit which I never found. Then I woke up struggling to re find my reality.  Second was preparing for the Russian invasion that was coming.  I was told to close all the windows and shut off all the electronics.  I awoke looking at the sky (in the dream).  

Then after all these nightly premonitions, I  wake up completely depressed for no reason other than these dreams.   Miraculously the sun comes up even shrouded in thin clouds,  I make my breakfast and consume it, and things seem brighter.  

We hope to view this new movie Champions  which should be uplifting.  The narrative is Woody Harrelson coaching a team of mentally disabled basketball players and the things he learns about life.

Springlike temps seem to be creeping in and spirits should slowly lift.  I am very weary of the cold and dark days.  Berkley has been voted one of the top 25 cities to live in Michigan.  I couldn't agree more.  it is a great place to live for many reasons.  

Will the former be indicted today?  Only time will tell.

all for now

stay safe

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More developments

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