Friday, September 23, 2022

Day 2 as Dry Cleaning Magnate and Maries first meet

Yesterday was Marie's first cross country meet.  It was held at a park near her school.  This event is a 2 mile run over hill and dale and there was a sizable group of ladies competing.  They were all supportive of each other, from the first place finisher to the last.  This was wonderful to see these 11/12 year olds cheering on their friends.  I was so proud of her.  She finished the run despite having a cold.  This is one determined young lady.

I finished day 2 at my counter job at Camelot Cleaners.  I went pretty well aside from my inability to affix the safety pins thru the tags and on the right spot.  Dexterity is not what it was.  The people there are nice and friendly Karen has let me do a few things reluctantly.  Really think I will enjoy the time once I learn the process better.

Two days ago we got the our flu shots and the latest Covid booster.  Took a day to recover from the flu shot like normal, but now feel really good with little soreness in my shoulders. Its worth it because the ill effects are short term.

Sadly, the little boy I wrote of earlier in the week succumbed to the effects of the aneurism in his brain.  The doctors kept his body alive for a week to prepare for organs to be harvested.  His sad death benefited many children that needed life sustaining organs.  A walk of honor was held at Children's Hospital of Michigan yesterday.  There was a lot of support for the family on this occasion.

Something completely different.....
I saw "Yesterday" the movie this week out doors with a pile of seniors that probably didn't get the point.  Many were pre Beatles.  And many are hard of hearing.  It was a far fetched premise but I loved it.  The main character did all the songs I grew up loving justice.  It was a good experience for me.

We are going to Sec. of State to get "enhanced" licenses today.  Maybe mine  will make me better looking.

all for now
stay safe


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