Thursday, May 26, 2022

Process as a Verb

I detest the use of the word process as a verb.  Talking heads, pundits and so called experts speak at length about America "processing this tragedy".  I am tired of this.  Osmosis a a process, photosynthesis is a process, turning waters into steam is a process.   

How do we "process" a young white man filled with fear and hatred of Black people walking into a supermarket and shooting and killing folks browsing thru the produce aisles and chatting with their neighbors?  Or another kid that two days after his 18th birthday buys 2 AR15 rifles and marches into a local elementary school and kills small children and their teachers? 

Anger does not come close the feelings I have on these two recent incidents.  Beto O'Rourke had it right when he told the Texas governor "IT'S ON YOU! at a press conference.  

All the thoughts and prayers have solved nothing, nothing, in this problem.  These empty and rehearsed words do little to lessen the pain of parents and families that are suffering at the loss. 

For the first time in a while, I have found myself steering away from watching the news.  The talking heads are developing nuanced dialogues about the shooters, the motives, did they leave any clues?  We cut to the national correspondents now on scene to discuss the tragedy with the locals.  It's all the same, same, same.  The two opposing sides of the issues are discussed by intellectual titans and they are always thanked for being there.  There is stirring music to be played with a montage of the victims living their lives.  

Afterward, nothing changes.  We go back to discussing sports or the latest divorce proceedings and what is in fashion and of course the detailed weather.  In two weeks for the rest of us it will be a footnote, maybe story 3 or 4 on the newscast.  

That's it.


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