Friday, January 17, 2025


I. don't know why but I am feeling resigned but hopeful this morning.  We are facing a new future in leadership starting on Monday.  This guy profoundly disgusts me but a cannot do a thing about it.  I am hopeful because I believe we can get thru it and him as a nation.  The road will be a difficult one for many of us. For women, for gay folks and those unhappy with their biological gender, there will undoubtedly be suffering and anxiety.  For people in this land of the free that have no right to be here other than their humanity and a quest for survival for their families, the most suffering and anxiety will exist.  I have empathy for them.  

Recently a friend of mine mentioned the shifting of the moral compass in our country.  I guess he is correct with a convicted criminal about to enter the White House. There is little point to have weeping and gnashing of teeth about this reality.  That will accomplish little. 

The price of eggs and fuel for the cars won't reduce. But there is no accountability for promises made during the campaign.  This outcome is what America wanted by overwhelming majority..  Those are the rules.  His clown car of appointees will take the helms of their respective departments and the ship will go on sailing.

Went out to eat with a couple of my buddies yesterday. I have the misperceptions of what things should cost based on my spending history.  I know it's wrong but I can escape it.  Went for an americanized Chinese luncheon, one of the usual combo plates comprising of three selections.  On the cheap end, it was about 8 bucks and you had enough food for another meal.  My meal yesterday was 12.50 with a tip rounded out to 20.00 for the whole deal.  I always try to be generous with gratuities.  I am not bitching but it seemed like a lot.  Shows how out of touch I am with the real world.  

I am having trouble dealing with the bone chilling cold we have been experiencing. This feeling increases with age.  I find myself getting pissed about it. Very stupid, I know.

all for now

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