Saturday, January 25, 2025



I started watching "The Sopranos" recently from the first episode. It is as brilliant as I remember,  Tony is a lumbering bundle of internal conflicts ready to explode at any minute.  Carmella loves him in spite of his outbursts. His young kids are privileged little bitches as one might expect.  His crew is one dimensional in the early shows full of appropriate mannerisms and bad language.  It's shown as North Jersey in the nineties.  I recognize the opening sequences on the Turnpike as I traveled that same route to work in the eighties when we lived there.

 Because of the conflicts and the angry characters that appear throughout, their attitudes filter thru the TV and into my moods.  As much as I love the show, I too am mad for no apparent reason other than my viewing habits.  I feel a sense of unease after each viewing, even though I continue watching like an approaching train wreck. 

Tony, Silvio and Paulie would have loved the new president for the obvious reasons.

Grandson Elijah has worn his hair in locks for the past couple of years.  Many folks of color choose this hairstyle. It is a cultural statement requiring lots of care. I don't know, but does his age group even know who Bob Marley or Peter Tosh were? However, a couple of days ago he decided to change things up and go back to the short hair.  What strikes me at first glance is how much he now looks like a young man and how handsome he has become at fifteen. I don't know why but he seems taller too.  He is a great kid with a lot of motivation.  He took up bowling a few years ago and as a freshman has made the varsity team at his high school.  He still communicates (after he eats) and is polite to us old people.  I like the new style. 

Speaking of style, I am reverting back to facial hair as it hides my wrinkling chin. It's at the itchy stage.  Should be over in about a week. In truth, I really am not fond of shaving anyway.   

It's Saturday and it's cold.  I do not adjust as well as I used to.  Extremities get affected earlier.  But we are in Michigan and this month and the next are ones we merely get through. 

Gotta make breakfast for myself.

all for now

Tuesday, January 21, 2025


Well, its happened.  Our felon president has been inaugurated.  His wife wore a stupid hat that hid her eyes.  He has pardoned the January 6ths insurgents including those that participated in the deaths of officers sworn to protect the Capitol.  This is the America that has been created for the next four years. Basically all the climate and environmental regulations will be canceled and offshore drilling for fossil fuels will commence.  We did not view even a minute of the pomp covered by all the news outlets, watching reruns of "The Closer" instead.

Made dinner of lasagna for some friends and Katey which was pretty good but a little dry for my liking.  They have some health scares currently dealing with.  But are taking grandkids to Italy in June for a last hurrah.  It was wonderful to share a meal and spend time with them.  

It is bitterly cold here at one degree outside.  Worry for the animals subject to these temperatures as well as people stuck outside.  Churches and public buildings need to turn up the heat and open their doors for safe haven for these individuals. Schools are closing for the next two days to protect the students and teachers.

The Lions are out.  It is a heartbreak for our town but all the fans are standing by Dan Campbell and the team with hopes for next year,  They delivered. an exciting season to us and uplifted the community. I wish them well in this off season.  

I know I am rambling but a lot of stuff is running thru my brain right now.  I am feeling down trodden at this point I am determined to put one foot in front of the other and carry on.  Want.ed to do picture of summer's marigolds today because of the punishing weather.  

I am completing another dental adventure tomorrow and have writers workshop in the evening.  I am only going to listen this time

stay warm

all for now


Friday, January 17, 2025


I. don't know why but I am feeling resigned but hopeful this morning.  We are facing a new future in leadership starting on Monday.  This guy profoundly disgusts me but a cannot do a thing about it.  I am hopeful because I believe we can get thru it and him as a nation.  The road will be a difficult one for many of us. For women, for gay folks and those unhappy with their biological gender, there will undoubtedly be suffering and anxiety.  For people in this land of the free that have no right to be here other than their humanity and a quest for survival for their families, the most suffering and anxiety will exist.  I have empathy for them.  

Recently a friend of mine mentioned the shifting of the moral compass in our country.  I guess he is correct with a convicted criminal about to enter the White House. There is little point to have weeping and gnashing of teeth about this reality.  That will accomplish little. 

The price of eggs and fuel for the cars won't reduce. But there is no accountability for promises made during the campaign.  This outcome is what America wanted by overwhelming majority..  Those are the rules.  His clown car of appointees will take the helms of their respective departments and the ship will go on sailing.

Went out to eat with a couple of my buddies yesterday. I have the misperceptions of what things should cost based on my spending history.  I know it's wrong but I can escape it.  Went for an americanized Chinese luncheon, one of the usual combo plates comprising of three selections.  On the cheap end, it was about 8 bucks and you had enough food for another meal.  My meal yesterday was 12.50 with a tip rounded out to 20.00 for the whole deal.  I always try to be generous with gratuities.  I am not bitching but it seemed like a lot.  Shows how out of touch I am with the real world.  

I am having trouble dealing with the bone chilling cold we have been experiencing. This feeling increases with age.  I find myself getting pissed about it. Very stupid, I know.

all for now

Tuesday, January 14, 2025


My wonderful grandson Everett turns 6 tomorrow.  He has grown to be an inquisitive first grader with glasses and a creative mind.  We won't see him but I know he is going skating with his family for a fun time.  I wish the best for him. With his older brother Paxton in this photo.

Winter has firmly set in here.  The ground is frozen and there is enough left over snow to make it slippery with the surface beneath the tire tracks now ice.  It is a dreaded time of year we just get thru. The need to bolster social relations is important lest we fall into the winter doldrums.  

Struggling with United Healthcare and CVS with respect to one of my medications.  Waiting on call backs.  Cannot accomplish the needed tasks in that I have to wait for the convenience of these providers.  Getting pissed does not help with success but it is tough to escape.  Being an older person can be frustrating.  I really need to get this done. 

As we await our felonious chief executive readying himself to assume the office of the president of the United States of America,  many of us are filled with dread imagining the future ahead for our republic.  Please know that I will not be viewing the ceremony nor listening to the talking heads that will describe the event.  It will be a sea of red ties and white hairs and blond ladies.  At my age and ethnicity, I should be part of this team.  I am not. I am revolted that he was able to run and be the standard bearer for his party.

all for now


Saturday, January 11, 2025

lots of stuff

My dental adventure should be completed on January 22nd which I am happy about, being minus many teeth since October 8th of last year.  

The scourge of the gay community of the 70's Anita Bryant has left this earthly plane this week.  She damaged many folks with her opinions.  My good friend Rick Bradford told our boss back at Central Transport that he needed to attend the first Gay Pride march because it was important to him.  Maybe the first time a gay person announced his preference to his boss  at least in that environment.

Jon's 42nd birthday is today.  He is the proud father of two fine boys and a good husband to Kelly.  I wish he did not live so far away.  I miss the conversations we used to have.  Jon is quite successful in his field of HVAC and the product of a trade school.  A phenomenal musician in his younger days,  those endeavors are firmly in the past.  I hope he has a great day today.

Our convicted felon president will be assuming the office of President in a few days.  He has formulated at least 100 executive orders to be signed off once he takes the oath of office on January 20th.  He will do his best to erase the progress of the former administration.  He has a border czar that doesn't see to see the migrants at our shores as human beings only illegals.  I have said it before but this guy and all his cohorts are what America wanted.  Let's see how it goes.

My writings took a beating at the last writers workshop.  It was too personal and not well enough developed.  I write these tomes for myself mostly and don't want to change the format or the language.  I may not be able to write for an audience lacking the imagination needed.   I guess thats ok.  Reinvention is tough and may not be possible at this point.  I am working on my physicality for now still trying to build myself up.  That will have to do it for now.

all for now

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

A break with Tradition

So I read an article about a woman who at 86 was willing to tell her secrets.  Nothing was salacious but it covered the information she kept from her adult (40ish) children in that they was watching over her at all times.  She took falls and ran into things causing numerous scrapes and bruises on her person.  She had a drugs stores worth of bandages and ointments in her cabinets.  As she bandaged up her arms and legs, comments came out "you should've seen the other guy".  Memory was failing with respect to names she should know.  And still she wanted to live alone and be independent, not requiring assistance.  Been watching a British show with an actress of some acclaim, Leslie Manville. My remembering her name comes and goes and I cannot recall it when summoned. 

Less bandaged than usual, I trudge through life with a goal of staying upright and not falling.  The falls seem to be more injurious and results last longer.  Strength exercises and core strengthening seem to help.  Planet Fitness has the right equipment to use in varying weights.  Physical strength is lessening but still able to move 40-55 lbs with some facility.  

She also wrote of eating what she wanted when she wanted like having leftover Chinese takeout instead of oatmeal for the first meal of the day.  I had delicious leftover pot roast, potatoes and parsnips today in lieu of the usual.  And it was good and satisfying.   So at some points, we have the ability to make choices that make us feel good of course with limits.  I cannot eat donuts and chocolate bars and cookies with abandon.  But on occasion can break with tradition.

I know that men with facial hair are now the fashion of the day.  At this point, decided to forgo that and be clean shaven.  It just feels better although the wrinkles stand out on my face.  At nearly 75, simply feeling better is more important than being stylish.

Going to spend more money with the dentist today.  he is a really nice guy but I am tired of funding the new addition on his home.  The front desk lady  is one of my favorite genuine people.  Oh well will see him at 11am.

With little pomp, the election was certified yesterday.  it was almost a non event, like it should be

all for now

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Thoughts on January 4th


It's January 4th of 2025.  Judy is out for a very cold walk with the dogs.  I am sure it will be brief.  I have finished my breakfast and the floors and thinking about what I will do for the rest of the day till we pickup Miss Shannon.  I know you are sick of my movie/TV reviews but have to make one comment on a new one from Netflix.  It is called Carry On.

I know a rather innocuous title but a a thriller based on a carryon bag traveling on a fateful flight from LAX.  Stars Taron Edgerton and Justin Bateman (in a rare villainous role).  I will spare you the details, but know it will stress you out to the max.

Did Planet Fitness 2 days in a row and the body stiffness is better.  Eli and Marie are with their mother this weekend.  Kind of miss having them around always ready to eat.  

We had a brief power outage yesterday early in the morning.  Amidst it, all one can think about is how it will affect your day to day living, spoiling the food in the fridge and in this cold weather the temps inside of the house.  After a couple of hours, the power returned and all was well.  

Simon the cat seems to like me for now.  I feed him every morning and he is waiting however patiently at his perch (probably wrong word).  He lets me pet him and then chows down.  Cats are much more autonomous creatures, wandering around with few interactions with the canines that live with him.   

With the hacking it took recently on my Facebook account,  I deleted the app from my phone but can still use thru Google on my laptop.  I was spending too much time scrolling anyway and need to curtail this practice.  It is turning my brain to mush,

Trying not to spend too much time thinking about the impending Administration that is incoming.  Frankly, it does little good and only brings on ill feelings and depression.  All this can be damaging to the psyche.  This is going to happen.

all for now

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

The First

So it's January 1, 2025.  Still here after a calamitous 2024 braving a heart attack, a stroke. and numerous falls, now with a new trophy, this scar on the right side of my face that will be my identifiable mark permanently.  In that fall that also included damage to my teeth I have a large space to be filled in by a partial.  Eating has required some strategy since this happened on October 1st.  Need to get over my aches and pains from the falls and old age and soldier on.  I wanted to feel renewed today, but am not.  

We are about to enter an era of new leadership with Donald John Trump being sworn in as our 47th president on January 20th, a mere 19 days away.  America will have to deal with he and his team of politicians and cohorts that include the richest man in the world.  This is what our country wanted as measured by the Electoral College.  He has been absolved of most of his legal sins, the details of which will soon be transferred to the dustbin of history.  

listening to the whir of the washing machine and the cooking activities from up stairs,  I am somewhat calmed.  Judy is out with Harry taking a walk around the neighborhood and my French toast breakfast is complete.  

Not much left in the fridge but I have the makings for Mac n Cheese. 

Katey came over last night to ring in the new year with her brother and his family.  I went to bed at 10:30 not interested in the revelry.  The Writers Workshop will again convene on January 8th.  I look forward to the occasion.

thats it

all for now

The passage of time

 So I am moving quickly to what I consider the gateway to old age, 75 years.  Wondering what the remainder of my life will be like and remem...