Friday, December 6, 2024

Another Gift

Got another gift yesterday.  We were supposed to have pizza with our long time friends Chris and Bob yesterday. We then learned he had suffered a stroke on the day. before.  You paint all those pictures of disability in your head and all the worrying came out in force.  We drove to the Corewell Heath facility in Farmington Hills. Thrilled to see that he is making great progress and was due to be discharged on that day after fhe last MRI.  Again a gift received.

I attended another session of the Writers Workshop in Oak Park Thursday.  On this occasion I brought a couple of my blogs to read and be critiqued by the group.  I was nervous about the reactions.  As instructed, a brought along a few copies tor the members to read along to.  It was really noisy in the place on that night.  I could barely hear the other readers, missing some of the salient points of their stories.  One in particular was a post apocalyptic tale with an imploded earth and the ensuing culture that was left behind.  It was very brutal and clearly showed the underlying anger of the author about the world we live in.  Another was a journey to Nova Scotia with a supernatural twist at the end.  Both were extremely detailed and showed great imagination, something I lack at this point in my live.

I started with the story of the chance meeting of Stuart at the gym.  They liked the food parts but missed the mention of Shrinking (TV series) I don't think they were big TV fans.  Scott, the HS teacher was making notes on my grammar errors and make useful comments that there were actually 4 stories that all could be expanded on.  I then read my Thanksgiving meal entry and it was noted that this was written for people I know, not really for general consumption.  I get that.  My family members are not public figures that would be known outside my family.  This is all part of the learning process for me and will serve to enhance my writing.

When we de convened after about 2 hours.  I spoke with my seat mate, a twenty something woman that had driven to this from downtown Detroit only to have a minor accident on the freeway.  Her vehicle was drivable but banged up.  She was quite pleasant and I hope she attends again.  Another young mad was having a discussion with Scott about politics and education.  I noticed he had black fingernails.  It was curious to me but not my. business.  We followed with disbaraging remarks about the election, shrugged out shoulders and called it a night.  

Went to Trader Joes yesterday and the young man ringing me up had red and green fingernails beautifully done.  As an old man, I must have missed this trend. 

This is Miss Sweetums, our frequent houseguest.

I will attempt to write a story or an essay for general consumption for my next effort in the group.  Thats a lesson learned.

thats it

all for now 


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