Friday, October 18, 2024

Back to Neuro


Back in March, I had some small strokes during my heart procedure.  For a short period, my right arm was not working well.  These symptoms resolved themselves internally and I was in pretty good working order.  However, there was a stroke and all the mandated protocols have been followed.  Included in this were suspension of my driving privileges, not thru the state, only medically.  This has been a real frustration for me.  I don't relish being driven around by my wife and others.  She in fact is sick of all the wheel work.  I cannot blame her.

(a tasty beer I discovered at Trader Joes)

Today, I go back to that doc for another evaluation.  I am weary of all the evaluations and appraisals of my well being and performance.  I feel like an old car you have to get ready for a trip.  Is the oil right?  Are all the headlamps working.  Is the air pressure correct and do the wiper work?

Had occasion to breakfast with my old cronies from Oxford Tower yesterday.  All are doing pretty well aside from friend Bill losing his sister.  Steps are bit halting and stories are again being repeated.  They seem to be satisfied in the day to day sameness of their lives.  Met a guy on my walk yesterday named Reggie.  I interrupted him while he was washing his car on the cool sunny day.  A long time GM guy that has been in the neighborhood for over 30 years and happy to be there.

Not much else going on at this point.

Thats it

all for now

stay safe

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