Monday, September 23, 2024

An article in the WSJ

Reading an interesting article in the Wall Street Journal today about the removal of statues commemorating Confederate war heroes in North Carolina.  In America we exist in collection of dissonant realities.  This is one of them.  What we call the Civil War is called the War of Northern Aggression in some quarters in Southern states.  

In our vicinity, those of us that remember the history from high school attest that this conflict was fought over slavery or the right to own another human being.  This concept is abhorrent to most of us regardless of our background.  Proponents of these statues (67 in North Carolina alone) would say that the conflict was over states rights to determine their destiny.  It one of those so called rights was to own other people it kind of negates the concept.  These matters are rarely discussed because there is no solution to the discord that exists.

Sitting in our dwelling with our other dog, Miss Sweetums is quite comfortable for her.  She has taken a real shine to Judy and now seems to have a semi permanent spot on our couch  She and Harry have joining beds.

Have contacted Mobility Works in Livonia now that the construction work is completed.  They are starting on the stair lift system this Thursday to facilitate getting Shannon up and down the stairs. 

These are early construction shots from the beginning of the summer.  We have com along way with this process..  Glad we are done.

thats is for today.

all for now


Stay safe.


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