Friday, June 9, 2023

Big game

As you probably know, I live in a senior (55 and up) apartment building.  There are a wide variety of residents.  Some stay in their apartments and are never seen.  Others are sociable mostly retelling stories of their past, their families and health issues they are experiencing.  All talk about their next doctors appointment in great detail.  Then their seat mate will tell their doctor story and how much the medication costs.  All will complain about all the doctor visits they must make. 
Occasionally there is an activity that someone comes up with for a group gathering.  In this case there is a game called Left Right Center There is a little money involved (9 quarters) and you can win as much as 9 bucks.  I observed them having a helluva good time playing this yesterday. These are some of the participants raging in age from 96 to 75 all yucking it up.  
These folks put this on their calendar and really look forward do it, saving up their quarters.  It is great fun to see them all having such a good time.  Had to include the walker corral  that always accompanies the group. Gave some of the photos to our new rental agent Alissa and she is going to put on the Oxford FB page. 

As you probably know by now, the former president has been indicted on the federal level for mishandling controlled documents at his Florida estate.  It's been called a violation of the Espionage Act (which I know nothing about, maybe some guys in trench coats).  I have not been a fan of this guy since the beginning of his reign of terror over our democracy.  But I believe even with all the charges he faces with more to come, he will suffer no pain other than financial.  His ardent supporters will stand with him and he will be the Republican standard bearer in the next election which will be sad for our country.  The real question is can Joe survive?

all for now

stay safe

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