Friday, March 31, 2023

No News for Me Today!

Spent most of the day yesterday at the VA with Katey at their walk-in clinic for treatment and meds. She is ok btw. Not too bad a day scrolling thru my phone and playing word games.  Getting better at these.  Most of the Vets are old guys with various devices to help them get around.  All have a story to tell.  

I need some pleasant vistas and palm trees this morning as it is rainy and cold. Spring is supposed to be here but I remain fooled still fumbling around in a down vest and long sleeves.  

After our visit to the docs, we went to Anita's Kitchen in Ferndale which was a wonderful respite from all the waiting downtown.  This is a mid priced place with Mediterranean cuisine.  We were fortunate to have seating next to a window with full view of the Woodward construction.  Had a chicken shawarma sandwich with fries which was well spiced and very satisfying.  Try this place if you can put up with the construction and Ferndale's parking. We all wanted to fix the damn roads.  This is the outcome with its inconvenience. 

Well, I have to say it.  The former president has been indicted.  The document is still sealed and will be delivered and opened next Tuesday.  The excited talking heads are assembling on both sides of the issue. Lecterns are being set up for speeches.  Every politician has had a newsworthy comment.  It will be FULL COVERAGE from now till then.  Regardless of earthquakes or famine or flood, this will be the leading and maybe the only  story.  Logos are being designed for the news broadcast crawls. Projections will abound with so called insiders barking about strategy for the defense and the prosecution.  I am weary of all this before it begins.  The Proud Boys and the QAnon folks are formulating their response.  His loyalists have already branded the action as a political witch hunt.  The media and the tee shirt makers are clamoring for the mugshot solely for the purpose of revenue. 

At the end of the day, he will have no consequences other than a paltry fine with billions in free publicity for his campaign.  

Sorry for the diatribe.

all for now

stay safe


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