Sunday, March 26, 2023



Had enough of facial hair.  Was becoming scratchy and I got food trapped and couldn't wipe it out. And frankly, I looked like Santa in a goatee.  Cleaned up, it looked pretty good but too much trouble.  There's also the element of hiding behind the facial disguise I am not pleased with.

Are we contributors or consumers?  Do we make a difference, even a small one?  Or are we simply consumers waiting to be waited on and served?  Maybe we are a combination of the two.  I encounter too many people consuming only.  The thinness of their lives is quite evident.  Food is delivered not prepared, wash is done by others, house  is cleaned by others.  These simple but meaningful tasks done by us provide purpose for getting up in the morning because they are jobs.  We need jobs I think, even if no money is earned.  There is a Navy Admiral that was a Seal that wrote a book "Make Your Bed" noting that job is the most important way to start your day because it establishes the first thing you accomplish for the day.  I kind of agree with him.

Sunny day today!!  

Get outside and enjoy it.

all for now

stay safe

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